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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Hi guys, this month's RK magazine is cancelled and Anthony Calfo expresses his thoughts on the destruction by hurricane Katrina, not only physically but mentally http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-09A/index.php
  2. Basically, an ozonizer has many advantages over its major disadvantage of overdosing. Its advantages are: Clearer water due to reduced turbidity Increased oxygen levels Improved skimmer performance Sterilising effects Increases ORP levels So far as I have used the enaly, I found the water to be much clearer and skimmer performance had improved and that helped in a way to solve my algal bloom after my sandbed removal. In using ozone, you got to check whether your skimmer is ozone friendly and use ozone safe tubes. Another alternative is to use an ozone reactor but injecting ozone into the skimmer is the best way as the excess ozone can be degassed off and you have better skimmer performance too
  3. You guys think this is an indication of splitting? It still has only 1 mouth though
  4. Here's my monti cap starting to form a second layer
  5. Yes, have you read up on some basic husbandry skills? There are some sticky threads here which are worth a read
  6. Oh and another question: If I have 2 inputs to the injector, I must get a smaller range unit right? (see the monster beckett thread)
  7. You see, my sump height only permits the output tube to be at around 30 inches so that it would not be taller than the neck. Therefore, I must make it at least 30 inches tall
  8. Well, the whole idea of making SRC free is to encourage new members to join in. We all hope that she learns from us here as much as we can learn from her. Just make sure that the same event doesn't happen twice
  9. Yeah you are right, I am concerned with the turbulence caused by the shortness but I don't really understand the part about the downtube. I have also measured, the min height I need is about 30 inches so is that enough to lower any turbulences?
  10. I've seen some of my acros have these elongated polyps too but I had always thought they were trying to be territorial. Anyway, how's the oyster eggs doing for you?
  11. No, the VIPs are those who get stuff before everyone else does So is there any confirmation on the shipment?
  12. Sure anot? Later I see pieces of orange meat flying around I come and find you
  13. Yeah I did the calculations and that's why I posted that I am looking at the MMA-25 Since the price is the same on the website, I think it'll not deviate too much. I'll check with the company first then update you guys k?
  14. Bro Diabolus, call one of the mods to close this thread It'll be better this way
  15. Yeah I have already emailed them about the bulk order and pricing I'm looking at the Mini Master(MMA-25) This is their reply: DWYER FLOWMETER MODEL: MMA-24 RANGE: 2.5-25LPM AIR QTY: 6 PCS DELIVERY: 2 - 3WKS RPICE: S$35.00/UNIT I emailed them regarding the MMA-24 but since the MMA-25 is at the same price on the website, the price variation will not be too far off. If you guys want, can someone start a bulk order? I cannot because I am too busy with my schoolwork at the moment
  16. Ok, I feel its enough already Those who have insulted had insulted. Those who want to comfort had comforted. Those who want to guide had guided. Let us call in the mods to close this thread. What do you guys think? Anyway, I can finally see today's Kopitiam without any new posts by her.
  17. Haha...yeah no need to break my back removing the sand Anyway, the sand is only 2 inches thick for aesthetic purpose only
  18. Its available in the US As for frags, you have to search other reefer's tanks for them
  19. The frag less taken of Notice the orange polyps at the end
  20. Anyone can ID this colony? At first thought it was a tenuis but now it doesn't look like one
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