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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. I can bring my share of styrofoam box and pliers I'll let tineng to plan, hopefully it's on a weekend
  2. My ric had finally split after around 4 months
  3. Give me a beeb when you guys go down I wanna come see your tank too And bro Keith
  4. To aid some who don't know what a A. gemmifera is, here's a pic
  5. What are those night lights made of?
  6. For the media, you might want to consider running them in a FR instead of filter bags. Furthermore, the filter bags trap detritus which decompose into nutrients. Have you cycled your tank properly?
  7. Wah it's that bad? Sounds scary enough A. gemmifera is the one that looks like a humilis right?
  8. Yes water stability is also prime but from what I've read, a widespread problem with those keeping table acros is that they cannot get multidirectional flow through the polyps in the centre and the acro just dies off. I have taken extra precaution when you told be about the mille in which flow to the base would not be enough
  9. Sticks grow fast Just tell me what you want from my tank and I see whether I can frag for you
  10. Can I book a frag of that thick thick stag when it grows up? And the orange monti too (lost mine )
  11. Yup, will compare the colours in a few months time Hopefully by then I will stock up more (big big shipment coming) BTW if you find that you have too many streams, can just contact me cause I am looking for cheaper 2nd hand ones And I got the new chiller today. Black, bulky but sleek. I'm glad I scrapped that previous one
  12. Basically the most common reason for the hyacinthus being the most difficult SPS is that reefers do not get enough flow through all the branches, especially the internal branches and they slowly receed away.
  13. oic, sorry for the misinterpretation I was looking between changing to Phoenix and adding 2 more blue T5s But I got bought over after checking out some reefers' tanks under the Phoenix. I've also seen a reefer's tank under over runned Phoenix and although the SPS look a little dark but the colours are still awesome. Now I am trying an experiment as frags from the same colony of purple digitata looked different in another reefer's tank than mine. Mine looks brown but his is really nice purple.
  14. The Jewel filter is crap IMO The pump is too underpowered and the media will trap detritus which decompose into nutrient Believe me, I've had that tank before Small tanks are prone to drastic water parameter changes and you'll soon find that your LS start dying. If you want a nano tank, it requires a lot more maintenance than biger tanks
  15. But the BLV 14k is a white bulb right? That means the SPS will look brown? Tell you guys what, I try the Phoenix and see first. I always have spare BLVs in the storeroom
  16. I've heard bleaching issues from the BLV 14k From what I know, the Phoenix brings out the blues and greens, little on the reds Here's a pic of a Leng Sy under Phoenix 14ks
  17. Hi guys, I may be going to sell my 250w BLV 10ks (2pcs) as I am changing to the Phoenix 14k. Basically, I get good growth from SPS and LPS and softies but you might need some blue supplementation if you dislike the yellowish look of it Each bulb going for $75 (Used for 3 months) Do PM me if interested
  18. Haha I ran my tank solely on actinic for 3 days when my chiller was down. And true enough, some SPS darkened and some showed signs of browning. But from what I know, coral farms overseas usually run 20k bulbs and their SPS look amazing. I think it is the intensity problem. T5 actinic still cannot be compared to a 250w 20k I'll just try it anyway and if my acros brown up, I'll change back to the BLVs
  19. The main reason why magnesium is related to coralline growth is that coralline algae imparts a lot of magnesium into their tissue and thus magnesium levels might become a limiting factor for coralline growth
  20. Basically I've seen people with nice acros under the Phoenix. One even had a green bodied, blue tip tenuis colour up 2ft into the tank Anyway, found out that my mille is not receeding due to the chiller issue. Check out who I caught feasting on polyps
  21. Hmm looks like omelette with ikan bilis to me
  22. I'm experimenting the different bulbs Thought PAR is only for growth?
  23. Going to change my bulbs to a Phoenix soon And the T5s to Aquablue Special I'll sacrifice growth for colours
  24. And finally an artistic shot Has that angelic, holy, peaceful feel to it
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