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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Yeah those greens are some algae No worries, they are clearing up slowly The big blue in the centre is a huge mushy I had Actually wanted to cut it up but too lazy to do so What time you came WL? How come I didn't see you? Was so tempted to get that purple porites but I scared cannot keep the colour
  2. And lastly, well wishes from my Vice Principal
  3. Keith was also generous enough to pass me some frags I need an ID on this, think it's a deepwater acro
  4. Hey ciaolong is also from Australia
  5. I'm thinking whether you can actually rubber band them on a coral chip Maybe I should try
  6. Haha maybe it'll spawn again if I move it around Now just secure between some rocks as I was too tired to glue it And Alfa, I think Daniel had a frag that had grown from spawning He showed it in his TOTM thread And I would also want to thank Keith (keithtty) for driving me there although he got nothing
  7. Just came back from Iwarna Got myself a pink pocci And guess what, it actually spawned on the trip back!!! When I got home, the bag was cloudy and chock full of gametes
  8. If I got time, I post a photo workshop for you guys Maybe tomorrow if i have the time
  9. Bro ervine, you only cut off the disk The base will grow into a new polyp so the closer to the disk, the better. And like you said, cut the disk into pizza slices and place them in a place of gentle water flow. So far, I've had 100% success with mushroom propagation and with a little practice, everyone can do so too
  10. Lemonpeels have blue rings round their eyes and a blue streak at the gills I'm guessing that's a heraldi
  11. Try upgrading to T5s There's more than lighting to keep corals thriving
  12. Hi guys, was wondering whether which iodine supplements are considered to be "time lapse"? Read that this is preferred over conventional iodine supplements
  13. I remember there was a reefer last time who got a 4 footer to quarantine tangs
  14. A tip for you: Do not keep tangs in small QTs because they'll get even more stressed and like humans, lower immunity would cause the ich to worsen
  15. Chopping mushies up is a great experience for a beginner coral farmer It might be messy but quite fun too And I've also noticed that propagated mushies split really fast!! I had a red discosoma frag now having it's 5th generation
  16. Haha no, I'm not using it Saw it at another reefer's place Even he is reluctant to set it up due to heat issues
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