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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. I did a photo tutorial when I cut a mushie few days ago However, the pictures turned out blur so I may have to wait for Keith to see whether he had clearer pictures
  2. And finally, the main attraction of the tank Super suncorals!!!
  3. Hope mine will also colour up like this one
  4. Hmm I seem to have seen this somewhere before Looks familiar
  5. 1 thing I like about Keith's tank is that I can easily take macros
  6. Frags and more frags Think you need an alarm system lest we raid you when you are asleep
  7. Haha yours is even more pro Anyway, here's your pocci
  8. And here's Keith's garden Man, I am so green now
  9. Here's what makes me envy Keith I got to do up my tenuis garden once my exams are over
  10. Yeah I better not disclose too much When the time is ripe, all shall be known
  11. I wanna visit the Capt someday Anyway, stay tuned guys Newer, better (probably bigger) skimmer coming in the next few months
  12. Come see my tank if you are interested to see one that is the size of my thumb
  13. Do take note not to overdose kalk IMO, if you want good Ca and kH levels, dose kalkwasser and run a CR at the same time
  14. Read here: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...4450&hl=article
  15. I dose kalkwasser 3 times weekly depending on the water evaporation rate Kalkwasser does elevate pH because it is an alkali and increases Ca levels if your tank does not have organisms to use up the calcium in the water
  16. Just to encourage you Joe (no offence ) At least your tank is not like this But with your DI and new rocks, I think it'll be just fine
  17. So how's your new tank coming along? Do call me if you need help ya? Can help after my exams But by that time I think your tank is already up and running
  18. Hope you had a fun time fragging with us yesterday
  19. I beg to differ on that PO4 should not be allowed to accumulate in your system and it is really advisable to run rowa once your tank is filled with water. ANN will resolve on their own and more concern should be put to reducing PO4 in a new tank.
  20. Oh, ya I think it's time to raid his tank
  21. Yar the colony is big so can cut into lots of pieces
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