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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Just thought I would post some pics I took while Keith, Brendan and I are smashing up some SPS Pardon me for the blur pics, took them in the night Here are our tools
  2. And I also got this tenuis at Iwarna yesterday It's browned out but there's purple tips so I can imagine how it would look like when it colours up
  3. Still white as you can see Joe, your frags are sticking out everywhere in my tank When is your tank ready for them?
  4. Love the way I place this frag Looks like sprouting out of the LR
  5. Haha thanks for the encouragement Anyway, got this yesterday at Iwarna
  6. My chaeto are starting to die off as my nutrients are getting too low to sustain it Remember I posted that one part of the chaeto was think while the other is thin like threads? I am guessing that it is because my nitrates are so low and since they need nitrates for building new cells and proteins, I think that should be the cause of it I am saving up a big bunch to distribute during the meeting though Anyway, bought 2 tenuis today. I'll post pics tomorrow
  7. Tenuis? I'll post mine tomorrow
  8. The main use of raking it is not to release nitrogen gas but to free up food for your corals
  9. Why not paste on some black oyama at the back?
  10. That's not necessary considering that we will have a fragging workshop next month But anyway, I'm still working on the mushie cutting part
  11. You will have to read up and understand why dosing sugar brings about a sharp drop in nitrates It is not the sugar but the rapid growth of bacteria that makes this possible
  12. Killer frags? Wait till you see those real killer ones Anyway, the yellow acro frags are still not recovering from bleach but the polyps are still extending so that ensures me that it is not dead yet. This is probably the first time I wanted my frags to turn brown fast
  13. Lot's of factors involved. Considering Keith's LS are so close to the front glass and that camera he is using, looks like those heavy duty ones
  14. Nitrates are all soluble in water so what you are doing doesn't help in removing nitrates at all. Anyway, a simple kalkwasser doser like the one mentioned is quite adequate unless you are dosing large amounts and lazy to mix the powder
  15. Their skimmers look cool espeically with the tapered necks
  16. And here's another frag of a nice acro chosen by Brendan What's it's id?
  17. And I finally got the green base purple polyp M. spongoides
  18. Here are frags of the yellow colony you passed to us Dan Looks a little bleached but it looks like it has some potential
  19. Ok, since I posted pics of Keith's tank, here's some of mine (And I am aiming for that blue tort next ) Here's my one and only tenuis that is starting to grow into a colony from a tiny frag Hope I can develop that area of rock into a tenuis garden
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