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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Hi guys, I am selling my RM miniature reef beckett skimmer because I am upgrading to a bigger model to tackle my increasing bioload It is in good condition with no scratches or cracks and if tuned properly, it can produce consistent skimmate. Basically the reaction tube is 6" diameter and around 24" high I'm currently using a MD40 to run it and so far it looks ok and can pull out junk. I'll be selling it at $350 excluding pump and interested parties can PM me or SMS me at 96568361. Collection would be at my place in Pasir Ris Here is the skimmer:
  2. That's what I am trying to bring about Banning bidding would bring us more good than bad Do you guys agree that we start a petition?
  3. Yes, I got your point It's like a smoker telling someone to quit smoking But this bidding trend is doing us no good and I think something must be done
  4. I mean since there's so many people opposing it and there's no benefit to it, won't it be good to stop it? Maybe we can hold a petition
  5. I need the coral chips to let the frags attach on Since no one has then I get them myself
  6. Maybe the mods can discuss whether we should put a rule to ban bidding I don't see any benefits of it in any way other than earning profits
  7. Does anyone have new coral chips? I'll need them for the workshop If no one has then I'll go buy it
  8. Thanks for your contribution Since mushie fragging can be done in quite a short time, I will try all other means of fragging I know That includes fishline, rubberband, cutting, toothpic... etc
  9. Ok I got mine I'll be searching my refugium to see whether I have loose frags here and there anot Hopefully the mushies are not small as it can get quite difficult to cut when they are small and shrink even smaller
  10. They're running quad becketts by RM if I'm not wrong
  11. You mean microbubbles in the tank? I don't have that but somehow I still feel my water is not that clear enough
  12. So can we have a confirmed date/time/location
  13. Yeah so I'll probably be one of those crazy guys with a 4ft wide tank if I change tank in a few year's time
  14. I think I'll stick with the Phoenix and wait for the DE Lumenarcs to come out BTW, does skimmers help reduce turbidity in any way?
  15. Actually, I find that small brittlestars, worms, flatworms and pods make good infauna However, the sad part is that the LFS do not have these recharge kits so what I did was I grew my own infauna
  16. I can bring my DC down (along with my "power tools") Anyway, hope this will make it to a sticky
  17. Haha I'm the only demonstrator Feeling that nervous tinge already
  18. If you think that's cool, check out oregonreef.com My next tank will be like that in it's own fish room
  19. My skimmer only skims less when I inject ozone (wierd huh?)
  20. Count me in 1. Nakazoru 2. Maxstar81 3. k0na_scab 4. LoReNsIa 5. Blueheaven 6.
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