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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Just for those who are reading this, I find that this beckett does skim quite well even when powered with the MD40. It produces skimmate almost instantly I turn it off for cleaning and then fire it up again
  2. Yeah I'm a Beckett fan Hope to sell this soon to make way for my new skimmer
  3. He has stopped it I believe AT or the mods will close the thread soon as they are very busy ATM
  4. I'm lowering the price to $300 That's the lowest I can go
  5. 4ft My bioload is small with 2 tangs, a foxface, 2 chromis and a trigger
  6. http://www.stevenlim.net/SingaporeIdolStevenLimWeb.wmv
  7. I've read the forums and it all seems like a scam Lucky we didn't follow what Sandisct had done The best way IMO to have finds for this hobby is to learn the very good habit of saving
  8. Check out Deltec's website to find out
  9. Glad you understand Hope to see you in the marine forums more often!!
  10. Would you guys just stop it? Nothing is coming out of this thread Sandisct, we thank you for your recommendation but SRC is not interested with your scheme and we wouldn't even if you pump US$100 directly into our bank accounts. Cash does not come easy my friend
  11. Pls refrain from posting condescending remarks even if it is indirectly shooting someone
  12. It had proved that many do not believe or are interested in what you are doing Pls bear in mind that you do not have control over the system and you do not know whether it will stop without notice. By introducing and encouraging people here to join this scheme, you bear the responsibility if things crop up and you probably would be loaded with trouble after that. So as a courtesy, could you stop "advertising" this scheme here and post more reefing stuff? I believe you should have learnt a lot from RC
  13. You don't get individual frags in this method This method stimulate budding so you'll probably get polyps clustered around together And I forgot to thank bro somebody for the pictures
  14. And last but not least, many thanks to bro nakazoru for having the initiative and hosting this activity
  15. That come to the end of our little workshop and those who got the chance for a hands on would definately not forget this experience
  16. And finally is pressure splitting which is actually to stimulate natural splitting using pressure. This is best done using a fishing line and you tie it across the polyp and make sure it runs across the mouth. Then leave the polyp aside and wait for it to split
  17. Next is the incision method. This is basically doing raidal cuts along the polyp to stimulate new buds to form. It is best to cut closest to the mouth for higher success rate Then leave the polyp to recover and new buds would form
  18. Basically I have shown the guys 3 basic ways to frag mushies and they are by incision, total cutting and pressure splitting. The pos and cons of all three methods are highlighted below: Total Cutting Pros Fast healing rate You get more frags from a single polyp Cons Low success rate Incision Pros Higher success rate than cutting Easier to administer Cons Slower healing time Pressure splitting Pros Highest success rate Easy to administer Cons Longest healing time You get very fre frags from this So, I'm going to start with total cutting. For this method, you totally cut off the disk in a single snip and leave the stalk behind to grow into a new polyp. After that, you cut the disk into pizza slices and the number of slices depends on the size of the specimen you are cutting The cuttings are then placed in a frag box which is supposed to be filled with coral chips so that the frags can attach but I couldn't get my hands on them on that day.
  19. Yah coralline grows there too But buyers don't worry, I'll make sure the tube is totally clean
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