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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Actually if you are talking about cloning as in the replication of genes to form a clone, especially in humans, it is too inhumane to be done either. And I don't think clones will know what you think as phenotype that is expressed is only "exterior" and what goes on in thoughts are constantly changing. But if you are talking about cloning in a sense of coral propagation, I don't see what harm it does to the environment
  2. Creating GM fish is inhumane and is not an easy task (I've done something similar) Do you know that if the GM fish is released into natural waters it will "pollute" the gene pool and cause a huge environmental catastrophe Think along the lines of the Butterfly Effect in the Chaos Theorem
  3. Welcome to the 2.5 height club bro Next you'll find the ladder very useful
  4. You can do water changes instead but if it's just for a few days (not more than 3) then I think a protein skimmer is not really necessary
  5. No you cannot just leave them in the open as they'll be dead in no time Prepare some saltwater and you can place them in it Aeration is advised and can be achieved with a small airpump
  6. I'm not sure about the leakage problem but I'll monitor closely Thanks for pointing it out to me
  7. Looks a little bleached to me Take good care of it
  8. Use a pair of scissors to cut off the threads they use to secure themselves Then slowly nudge it to release it's foot Do not pull it out and exercise extreme caution not to hurt them
  9. Yeah that's fun too!! I deliberately crash into the cops to force them to deploy the rhinos And this is the first time I've seen some crazy people who are willing to use their vehicles as a roadblock
  10. It is possible technically and I would have done it if this tank wasn't in my room Well, a little walking exercise does my body good too!! And about the black sand, I chose that because the ###### shrimp would look really nice and outstanding. What do you think?
  11. It's probably similar to yours as I got it after receiving your PM
  12. Oh I had these in my previous 2 footer Not very sure what they are though
  13. No frills, I just want a Quattro (not the car, the skimmer)
  14. Looks like caulerpa to me Could you post a closer pic?
  15. I actually want to keep small gobies and some ###### shrimp Filtration would be daily water change with DI water and lights would be my table lamp
  16. I know very well that this sort of things should go to the admin staff but as you can see that the admin is not very functional now. I'm not trying to garner everyone's nominations for being a mod here as opposed to all the PMs I receive. I treasure my membership here in SRC and I wouldn't bear to see such threads coming in and pollute our archives. I know, I've got people who advised me to stay low but if you checked all the posts that bear conflict, I most probably would have tried to stop it. I know I'm a student and I really feel bad after I disclose my age to the public because my comments are not taken seriously as before. Hope you would try to understand my reason for posting these replies telling us to stop all postings in threads that shouldn't go on
  17. Since I'm awake at this hour, I might as well show you guys a new project I am working on More details tomorrow
  18. Actually there's 2 types Those black and pinkish ones feed on any detritus, algae on the sand And there's also those yellow, pink or sea apples that are filter feeders
  19. Just to clarify, I'm not a mod I'm not repeating like a parrot but it is that these things keep on popping up and it irks me It is like everyone knows smoking is bad for their health and many still smoke
  20. Oh man, not again Can we stop this now?
  21. Just a question here What are the ways sillicates can be introduced into the system?
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