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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. I think they're bleached Try placing them in lower light and in low flow and nurse them back to health
  2. And lastly, check out how dense the bubbles are in the reaction chamber :wub: P1020394.MOV
  3. Here's the foam rising up into the collection cup P1020393.MOV
  4. Video of bubbles at the skimmer neck Check out how dense it is!!! P1020392.MOV
  5. Yes, it's a great product And just a little update, my algae blennies have started on their feast!! (finally)
  6. It might be a little bleached since you said the base is white And my guess for the id is a tenuis
  7. I've got a few reefers whom I know are willing to help out including myself Since our goal is to promote "responsible reefkeeping", I thought why not extend it to the public as well
  8. I'm not doing this because of the mod selection (those who know me should know) But SRC doesn't tolerate such off topic posts and your posts not only dilute this thread of unecessary details but also show how lightly you take this serious case. Suntec's tank might not be your tank and you might not have a share in it but as an aquarist and reefer's view, don't you think this is totally against what we are going for? I'm also going to email Suntec regarding this matter and we'll see whether they require any assistance from us reefers
  9. Yes, I have a sea cuke to keep my sand free of detritus Other than that, I run rowaphos since Day 1
  10. Stop diluting this thread with posts that have no link to the topic Suntec's tank's condition is no joke and I'll wirte in to ST about it
  11. And last pic, pink zoos are splitting!!!
  12. And skimmate of 2 days running full beckett mode
  13. It's a 4ft by 2ft by 2.5ft tank And here's the collection cup of my skimmer just minutes ago
  14. I'll explain how this baby works in my review soon The true union ball valves come together from the skimmer so I do not know the source And the green stuff are green coralline+green algae
  15. 6 inch diameter but I'm not sure of the height Think it's about 30+ inches
  16. RO/DI might be pricey and it does flush out quite a lot of water A good recommendation is to get a DI unit I've been using DI water and you can see the difference The TDS from tap water is around 55ppm and after going through DI, it is 0 ppm
  17. It's a pleasure meeting you too Jim The purple mushie frag is in my main tank now as I'm worried that the pico's water parameters might not be stable yet Going to transfer it in a week or two And I am thinking of getting a small hang on filter and run carbon in it
  18. Haha your gut feeling is good!! Now PM me the number you are thinking of
  19. I believe it's scolymia if I'm not wrong
  20. New skimmer is fired up It's a custom made recirculating beckett by Xtreme (Harlequin Marine)
  21. Yeah and I hope to keep it this way too Ironically, many people have told me that they look really nice
  22. Good guess but nope, it's not a dual beckett Haha no prizes to give
  23. Just received news that my new skimmer is coming today morning Expect lot's of pics Anyone can guess what type of skimmer it is? Clue: 2 Ball valves, 2 Gate valves
  24. It's good and they are interesting creatures But do not add them if you have a DSB in your main tank
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