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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Hi Harmony, I am also using ORCA 25 skimmer and I tell u I also had this prob once. Actually, you should put the vents just below the water surface with none of the vents out of water. Remember, just below the surface, dun go too deep down or you will be skimming water. The skimmate will take about 1 or 2 days to appear. Gd luck.
  2. Its four pin. Sorri for the error.
  3. I heard that PL lighthoods can be fitted with T5s. My lighthood is E-Ballast and for pin. Anyone can help verify. Thanks
  4. Hi all, just curious to know why so many ppl seem to be using T5? One T5 tube is 24watt for 2ft but PL is 55watt for 18 inch. If using retrofit, T5 twinfix(ATI) is total 48watts for 2ft but two tubes of PL is total 110watts!!!!! More than 2 times the output. Anyone experienced pls shed some light.
  5. i got a yellow sea cucumber anyone know if it is reef safe?
  6. HEY thanx bro. i have been trying to get rid of those hairy freaks for a long time. they pinch my corals u know!!!!!
  7. hi all, my tank is 2ft by 1.5ft by 1ft illuminated with two 55watt PL lights. all other water parameters perfect. i was thinking of keeping one or two SPS in a few years time. do you think it is enough or should i just drop the idea.
  8. I recently bought a new ORCA 25 Skimmer and replaced the airstone into those wooden blocks that produce very fine bubbles. but the outlet pipe which pushes the skimmed water out using big air bubbles is producing a lot of big bubbles when the water is splashed on the surface of the tank water. the bubbles then pop and splashes drops of water everywhere!!!!! anyone can help me solve this problem? thanks
  9. It all depends on what type of clams u wanna keep. clams like the beautifully coloured maximas need really good lighting (t5 or MH) to survive or it will start to bleach and die..... clams can be put almost anywhere when you have the proper lighting. i once heard that clams cannot be put in places that got small air bubbles. clams are filter feeders and they generally feed on plankton. you can try adding DT live phytoplankton or target feed it. the pricing of clams are determined by the species of clam. you can't expect an ultra maxima to be sold at $35 right?
  10. Doesn't anyone use PL lights? Maybe can shed some light?
  11. My friend recently called me to help him buy a power compact lighthood. I went to LFS and saw C* Aquarium PL hood. It is small and cheap but the LFS owner sae lifespan very short. got another one from J*J but quite expensive. anyone got any comments or can recommend a reliable one? thanks.
  12. there's really something wrong with your anemones
  13. your carpet big anot? i scared later become too big and cover the view of my other corals.
  14. den liddat only can put one ar? btw can put two anemones together rite? my fren's one so close until cannot even tell if it is one or two anemones.
  15. i havent got an anemone yet. trying to build a structure that will hold the anemones away from my other corals. btw i trying to get bubble tip and a species that has tentacles but not bubble tip.(my fren got) any ideas on how i can design the structure?
  16. your anemone is so sick!!!!! btw i am thinking of structuring the right side of my tank and put one or two anemones into caves. hope they stay there!!!! side track a little. will putting and restructuring with a few more LR cause the water chemistry to be imbalanced? or maybe i should add only one rock at a time?
  17. my DSP also got one damn huge worm. i think they come in from the LR. dun think they are harmful.
  18. I tell you that the best way to clean your DSP is getting the donkey dung.
  19. Your pic is too big and blur. dont see anything funny on your LR though
  20. I am selling for $60 including the two tubes which is: 7000k sunlight Arcadia Marine Blue Acticnic
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