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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Iron supplementation is necessary to prevent your algae from crashing (dying suddenly) and pollute your tank. FYI, algae takes in iron as part of their nutrition. And if I am not wrong, you cannot overdose iron as it is the catalyst for the Haber Process to make ammonia!!! And frequent pruning will ensure that you take out the nutrients from the tank permanently and prevents your algae from maturing fast and going asexual
  2. 3 cheers for bro roidan and his reef AND anthias HIP HIP HURRAY HIP HIP HURRAY HIP HIP HURRAY
  3. Hi guys, i got some items to sell as i am clearing my old tank to make way for my new one Here are the stuff: OceanFree 600 powerhead ($6) Sicce Idra pump 1300l/h ($15) Weipro 2011 protein skimmer ($25) Non-marine 4 Discus fish@$20 each (First come first get)
  4. you cannot discriminate refugiums saying them "not good" many people have spent long hours researchign on the dynamics of the fuge and many people have benefitted from it. but it all depends on you to keep the fuge successful if you think that you can just dump in some sand and throw in some algae and expect it to work wonders, then you are wrong IMO a fuge is just like another tank and you will have to take good care of it like you do on your main tank some stuff like iron supplementation can be achieved on accurate dosing and frequent pruning and 24hr lighting can prevent the macroalgae from going asexual and releasing toxins to your tank as for DSB, you will have to read it up yourself as there are many different ways to set it up here's a link to start http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm so in conclusion, its up to your own preference to choose whether or not to set up a fuge
  5. you should harvest it so as to ensure that the algae does not go asexual and pollute the tank
  6. Interested too, maybe can do bulk order
  7. arrrggghhh!!!! I'm itching all over!!!! :lol:
  8. Actually, you cannot be too sure but the Linkia species should do fine only bad thing about them is that they grow too big
  9. forget the skimmer and go for a bigger refugium with a cryptic zone
  10. isn't it better to buy the specific stuff than changing rocks every now and then
  11. i think the check valve is to prevent backflow... the ball valve is to control the flowrate of the water
  12. the on/off is only to stimulate the random currents in the ocean technically, to create circulation you just need to move the water that's all
  13. new form of culture maybe? "Recharger Culturing" :lol: anyway, back to the question, anyone knows why shops do not bring them in?
  14. newton's 3rd law of motion: for every action, there is equal and opposite reaction so the water pushing out from the holes is pushing the pipe the other way so it just turns round and round
  15. yes i would also be very interested and i believe many other reefers would be interested too!!
  16. Hi guys, was wondering why no shops in Singapore bring in refugium recharge kits? I thought these organisms are crucial and beneficial to maintain a well working refugium. i believe the addition of these at the starting and on a occasional basis will greatly boost the functionality of the refugium. is it because these animals are too fragile to be shipped?
  17. next time go LFS must observe which car got paste :lol:
  18. manage to come by this thread so was wondering, what is the amount of each and buffer to add?
  19. ya i also want to know the mechanism :lol:
  20. As for Nitrites and Nitrates, its best to use NNR (Natural Nitrogen Reduction) This adds diversity to your tank too (Read more on sandbeds, plenums....etc) As for nuisance algae, its best to prevent their growth than cure it. But additionally you might want to identify the type of algae growing in your tank and find out what is driving them and remove that substance. No offence but I personally dislike using additives and would go and let nature take its course
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