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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Here's him picking at the LR Wish I can think of a name or him soon (any suggestions?)
  2. Fast guy, like the way he raises his spikes
  3. Haiz, seems like i went too late Got there at about 5pm
  4. Another pic: Reminds me of the scene in Finding Nemo where the angelfish talks to her reflection on the glass
  5. And look who's out to explore the tank
  6. Finally after 1 hour of acclimatization, I released it to the tank Darted into the LR straight away
  7. I used two clothes clip to clip the bag to my hood
  8. Got a Foxface today Actually looking for a Kole or the C. Binotatus but couldn't find one so I got him instead
  9. Now I'm in a dilemma of whether to get a C. strigosus or a C. binotatus
  10. According to the book, it stated that DOM, detritus and free floating particles and bacteria form a part of coral nutrition called bacterioplankton In fact, all the corals tested fed heavily on bacterioplankton so it suggests that to maintain healthy, thriving corals, you should only skim to an extent that the water is clear of the yellowish tint and not more than that. This might be a point of discussion in the subject of overskimming. A phrase widely used in foreign reefkeeping is "Less, Technology, More Biology" Maybe its just me but I tend to hate people who think that the more sophisticated equipments they have, the better. Yes, it is necessary to use certain equipments when an aspect of reefkeeping cannot be met by natural means. And for everything else, just leave it to nature to do the job
  11. well, i ever seen 1 guy trying to get this anemone to stick to some big LR and told the owner that he wanted only the anemone. In the end when i ask the owner, he said no choice but to sell him the anemone ($10) with that huge rock Talk about integrity
  12. Bannerfish out of the list cause its not reef-safe Better not take chances I will be observing pod populations these few days as I dose DTs once every 2 days. So far, the only critters i see are pods(increasing tremendously), small transparent worms and tiny featherdusters on my LR
  13. An insight of my intended livestock: Kole Tang Sailfin Tang Sohal Tang Atlantic Blue Sailfin (If still have) Blue Green Chromis (About 6 or so) Bartlett Anthias (3 will do) Bannerfish (Still researching on feasibility) Noticed that the hole drilled in the return pipe which is supposed to break siphon is actually acting like a venturi and now my sump compartment work like a mini skimmer too (will try to post video tomorrow Plus the Beckett I am getting soon, I will try and see the max. i can stock Anyway, tomorrow i am going to get a bottle of DT to try sustain and increase pod population. i also spotted an earthworm looking worm in my refugium
  14. I am impressed by the cooling of the tank Total loss of water due to evaporation: Approx. 0.3kg Specific Heat Capacity of Sea Water: 3900J per kg Specific Heat Capacity of Sea Water for 0.3kg: 1170J Specific Latent Heat of Vapourisation of Water: 2260000J per kg Specific Latent Heat of Vapourisation of Water for 0.3kg: 678000 Assuming there is no heat gained from external sources and heat is absorbed from the medium (Water), Temperature loss: 678000J divide 1170J = 579 degrees!!!! Spread for whole day: 24 hours 579 divide 24 = 24 degrees Celcius Which means, my tank will lose 24 degrees every hour if there is no heat gained my surroundings Finally, estimate tank gains 15 degrees from surroundings, temperature will be 9 degrees below room temp. Hope i'm correct...
  15. if you're young, consider that I am only 15 yrs old
  16. Well I get lots of information from books, online articles and magazines Anyway, here's a preview of a new book i borrowed Its written by Eric Borneman himself and will sure to be of good help to me
  17. Anyone? Really need to clear soon Can arrange date to view
  18. Yes the plates will sit on each other Instead of the return piping going through the overflow, why not have it over the box instead?
  19. Yeah i was wondering whether there is a possibility of us collaborating
  20. I recommend you do bracings along the front of the tank and back as well As for the overflow, i recommend you do an all-round overflow rather than only 1 side
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