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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Hi guys, Which one do you guys think I should choose? These 2 activities clash with each other and each has its pros and cons ATC camp pros: Can get a badge Complete ATC course Have fun with squadmates Learn outdoor skills ATC camp cons: Clash with mentoring OC Unit not happy Will lose important badge if did not go Mentoring pros: Share my knowledge with fellow students Get to know more about Underwater World Able to help my friends Can impress my Biology teacher I need this for my NYAA Mentoring cons: Clash with ATC Embarassed as I organised this activity Will not have other chance Will not be able to comply with NYAA requirements
  2. well, you can look in my tank's thread if you want some ideas still quite bare though as I want to wait till I'm ready to stock up
  3. I admire that you actually took the effort to perchase sand that are truely "live" and know the importance of bio-filtration(that's what I call it) But one point to note is that try not to overdo your equipments as in the future, you may find some really unnecessary.
  4. first thing you should know is that they do not "play" with the anemones they live sybiotically with the anemones such that the anemones provide them with protection while they feed the anemone. also note that not all clownfishes will live sybiotically with all anemones as some only prefer certain species of anemones while captive bred clowns usually do not go near an anemone
  5. Hehe...my first post was: Any advice or recommendations on a good fish shop or fish farm? Please tell me....
  6. after the resize, i am quite sure that a dead one and there will be no pearl
  7. Posted this as I think its kinda cool My Percula
  8. Firstly, please tell the mods to change your thread title And resize your pic And finally that looks like a hippopus and definately does not contain a pearl
  9. Look at the redness of the cyclops!!! This thing sure keeps them fresh
  10. Saw this Biokips advert and want to try it out Used it to store my cyclops
  11. These unidentified organisms are spreading!!!!! Notice there are 2 strands now
  12. Now skimmer run for 5 days and finally some skimmate Take note that this is run on a MD40
  13. Its hard to get them here. You might want to ask some reefers whether they want to donate a crop P.S. I need some too so PM me if you guys have
  14. got to be careful though as those linkias will grow to huge sizes
  15. I believe its NH4 All undetectable but I have not tested for Nitrate yet
  16. Another label In case you cannot see it, it reads: To return pipe--------->
  17. I labelled everything i could label so that I will not be confused in the future
  18. Here's a pic of my refugium as requested by Nicken I have not added macros yet as I will wait till I get my T5s
  19. Spotted an unidentified organism on my tank glass :ph43r: Look like transparent polyps all connected together May be jellyfish cysts too
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