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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Yeah I will go there once I finish using my left over 500ml of contra. And I believe stuff like zeobac and zeofood must also be replaced consistently?
  2. Look at our sponsors forum EAP is in siglap
  3. From what I know, zeovit has to be replaced in about 12 weeks, so what are the expenses in using this method?
  4. Pls identify yourself samaritan, if you are from SRC
  5. Can anyone work out a basic maintenance fee for the zeovit system?
  6. Well, mine is a Z. Veliferum from Indian Ocean I am not sure whether they come from the pacific as well FYI, there is another sailfin that comes from the Red Sea Z. Desjardinii The only obvious difference is that the tail is yellow on the veliferum and the tail is blue on the desjardinii
  7. Was at Iwarna today and when I walked home, it was quite dark and a nice samaritan offered to drive me out. I believe I have seen that guy before, looks familiar. Can the person pls reveal yourself?
  8. Seeing those waves like that, won't it cause lots of salt splash?
  9. Maybe due to their growth in size and competition for territories.
  10. If the fluidised reactor can be used for the zeovit, I just changed my contra media recently and after that I may consider going into zeovit
  11. i have 3 small ones (approx 1 x 1.5 inch) and 1 big one (approx 3 x 2.5 inch) for sale. small one going for $9 each. big one going for $20. collection at bkt panjang, after 730pm. Those who can collect on mon and tues nite will be given priority. please put your name down, i will pm u the addy. small 1. Blueheaven (will only be able to collect next week) 2. 3. big 1.
  12. Last pic for the day: A close up of the stripes
  13. Little mouth You can see the increasing intensity of luminiscence at the circumference
  14. Got a nice prata today Caught my eyes with its unusual stripes and colours Here it is in my growout tank
  15. Coralline growing project: Using Seachem Reef Complete alternating with Reefez kalkwasser Turning on actinic for 14 hours Here's the result: You can see the yellow part which is not exposed to the lights and the purple part used to look like that before I started the project
  16. Evidence about the claim that tangs are great pooers My index finger for comparison
  17. Few updates: A rhodactis specimen decided to detach itself from the rock with the others Hehe... I'm gonna cut it up soon
  18. A pic maybe? Well, we have tri-colours so there may be a possibility
  19. Hi guys, I will be placing my chiller in my balcony which is some distance away from my tank so I was thinking whether there is any way to insulate the hoses to reduce heat gained along the way. Any idea?
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