You know, sometimes I wonder hoe LFSes get such nice looking corals in their display tank while what they sell does not even come close??
If I can get hold of the source, I may be able to have a good brood stock very soon.....
Currently we have a Life Sciences Research Laboratory, we have students growing crystals and making fruit wine.
Now gonna have a new Coral Farm
Yes that mystery school is..........Dunman Secondary!!!!!
Was told today that the chillers are not in yet so I'll have to wait another week
Recently got so many nice corals but dare not buy and CANNOT buy cause I gotta save up for CR :(
Current Plans:
1) Get chiller tomorrow (hopefully it comes in)
2) Change MH bulbs to Phoenix 14kk
3) Save up for a CR
4) Add 2 more T5s to the tank
5) Frag more corals
To expand my interest in the propagation of corals, I have sent a request to my school to set up a coral propagation unit. Tentative plans includes 3 fiberglass tubs with 400w halides and much more
And once the system is ready, I will officially propagate corals for sale purposes.
Captive propagated corals on your way guys!!!
Hi guys, I am selling 2x 150w DE Dymax 10kk MH bulbs.
Fired up only 3 times, total 15 mins
Selling at $60 per bulb
PM or SMS 96568361 if you are interested
Zooplankton is a type of plankton
Usually, plankton (microscopic organisms), are divided into 2 groups namely zooplankton (microscopic animals) and phytoplankton (microscopic plants)
If you are using 6500k lights, the colours are most likely to be washed out as the fluorescent protein will be most "active" in the 450nm wavelength
In short, the more of that wavelength you provide, the more they fluorence.
I've got some pics at my tank's thread
For steps you can search for an old thread by me on mushie propagation
Basically, you just hold the rock of mushie upside down and the specimens will droop down so its easier to cut
You have to cut closest to the disk and make it one clean cut
You can either leave the disk to grow again or you can further cut the disk into pizza shaped frags but they will take longer to grow to full size
I know that initially, you will feel uncomfortable about cutting the corals but do it once and you'll definately do it again
Phoenix for us?
Hon did a review for us and if I'm not wrong, the AC bulb wrote "menufactured for aquaconnect"
Too bad the blue signboard no stock when I went there