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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Here's a new PUMPING xenia I got from Iwarna Still pumping away....... And for those of you who have been following this thread, you should guess what's the next frag that goes to my growout tank
  2. Finally got my new bulb Burned in a little blue but the colour is extraordinary
  3. This: Its a skimmer driven by a fountain foam nozzle menufactured by the company Beckett
  4. I'm next in the queue after DB Anyway nice specimen
  5. I got 2x150w Dymax 10k bulbs for sale Used only 3 times, total 15 mins Going for $50 each PM me if you are interested
  6. The MAJOR downside of acrylic is the scratches
  7. Discussed this in my vision Anyway, I dream of having a 6m by 4m propagation pool where I can dive in to check on the frags
  8. I can't wait for my prop. system to be up in school....
  9. I meant how much can the green tint render to your corals? If you want natural looking corals, get a lights which have high CRI
  10. This is how they look like under aticnic
  11. You mean my Dursos? Each is 1" size And regarding the brain, its not bleached but really solid white Bleached corals are translucent due to the lack of zooxathellae
  12. Starphire glass must be made thicker than normal due to the low iron contect and making the glass weaker Not worth the cash IMO
  13. Yeah I know that Unless you are saying BecKett
  14. Hi guys, I am putting a red Discosoma frag for swop Please comply with the stated tems and conditions thanks: 1) Only accept corals that can be fragged 2) NOT for sale 3) I will not be responsible for any mishap regarding the frags 4) Recommend you to place the frag in a low flow area to allow it to attach to any rock Frag is about 1.5cm diameter when fully expanded The red arrows represent the frags (Bright red when exposed to actinic) Better if you can attach a picture of the offer More frags will be available soon when I set up my propagation unit at school
  15. Yeah I am going to nurse it back to health Anyway, I am thinking of changing my return to a higher flowrate pump as My overflow amount now enough. Any suggestions?
  16. Invest in Riodan's Quattro, you won't regret :evil:
  17. A top-down view of my growout tank The arrows represent the colours of the frags
  18. Macro shot Still trying hard to get the focus Read that can use magnifying glass, anyone try before?
  19. My school has already joint venture with many other institutions If you look in my profile, I am in a research project on molecular biology Yes, that's it, I am a true blue researcher Anyway, I accuired this guy from another reefer as it is not doing well, can see the tissue receding at the side Quite nice a specimen though, red with white center
  20. Tell the mods to move the thread to the equipments forum for more chances of replies
  21. Got some new additions yesterday....too bad no DC to take pics Added 8 Chromis into the tank And I found a nudibranch on one of my zoos All corals I got must go through a strict quarantine/observation period of 2 weeks in my growout tank to monitor any bad hitchhikers and to help some corals recover from shipment
  22. Now, the Kelvin value has nothing to do with the power of the bulb. What's the wattage capacity of your ballast? A 150w ballast can only fire a 150w bulb
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