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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. CoralFarm has some nice cured Fiji rocks Comes with a premium too
  2. I have a big specimen of those Rusty green rim too!
  3. Well then the case here is how to make it waterproof rather than having the whole motor running in water A little unsafe for me
  4. Well it depends on your growout tank's depth For me i use T5 to be sure
  5. See, I have a small leak in my pipings of the skimmer output so its constantly dripping water Gonna fix this problem next week
  6. Well, my sump is used as a refugium ###### frag growout tankl
  7. Hi guys, Recently watched a very touching and inspirational movie called "Pay it forward" This show features a boy, Trevor McKinney, who came from a dysfunctional family. But when he met a new Social Studies teacher in school, and engaged a year long project, his life changed. He came up with the idea of paying it forward and notices and empatises with everyone he meets which is something even mature adults cannot do. His idea led to a massive chain reaction all across America from California to Phoenix. But sadly, this remarkable boy was stabbed and killed in the end. But nevertheless, his dream and the fruit of his labour has benefitted many, many people. This show to me is considered a "must-see" and if next time you see the advert on the "one deed, one lifetime" campaign, think whether you have paid it forward.
  8. Verticle currents can easily be achieved by varying the angles of the turning part
  9. Seems like what I'm gonna do in my school Believe me, eveyone do their part, we can save the reefs
  10. Wow cool man. I'm doing a presentation on coral propagation to my school next year By then I will bring real live frags Wish ya all the best
  11. Play it in a brighter place. Trust me, it works
  12. Of course not as big as the fan I was thinking it to be about the size of a Tunze
  13. Yes bro giantbicycle is right, water change is an essential element to keep corals alive and well. But currently I do not do much water change as I actually am having a water change continuously for 24hrs
  14. maybe only for certain species of corals
  15. Small bristle worms are beneficial to sandbeds
  16. Treated LR doesn't mean that the bacteria is lost
  17. Actually considered not reefsafe but some bros here and I have not have it pick on any corals yet
  18. My dursos are 1" diameter Got 2 of them but still don't like the suction
  19. According to my dad, he says that this works on some gear attached to the blades and the gear ratio causes it to spin slower than the blades Anyone can clarify?
  20. Is that big yellow thing a tunicate?
  21. Don't really get what you mean but they might be trying to get rid of parasites on the body
  22. Just a little off topic Do you guys know that cyano are one of the first organisms to be on the Earth? If its not for them, I guess we would all not be here
  23. no, i aquarium is at the first block of farms when you drive in
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