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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Floridas coming in next week, so those who got the specimens can try to propagate them. Anyway, I'm willing to accept any frags as my parents forbid me from buying a mushie that costs $40-$50
  2. Firstly, an elephant ear would trap your fishes for food. And an elephant ear looks like this
  3. I prefer to use the coralline sticking method I stack my rocks so that they fit exactly and let the coralline bond them together I have 2-3 rocks bonded into 1 piece liao
  4. Well, coralline grows in deepwater regions and light there is mostly dimmer and bluer You can see my progress of the coralline project in my tank thread I would say the most important element you need to have in abundance is Magnesium as coralline contains one of the highest conc. of Mg compared to corals
  5. Yup, do not use rainwater as it is full of dissloved pollutants Tapwater at least is better as it contains some trace elements
  6. Keep in mind that most corals come from temperate regoins such as Indonesia Any temp. that does not exceed 30 degrees is suitable but never accept the fact that the colder the better unless you are keeping coldwater specimens
  7. I doubt that. I have been using contras since day 1 and have no diatoms yet
  8. If KH is too low, calcification rates will decrease drastically Anyway, if I'm not wrong, Alkalinity is actually the measure of how much acid is needed to neutralize the hydroxide ions in the water. And the test you do using the test kit is actually a simple titration
  9. Oh yes I will frag them when they have grown to suitable size
  10. Propagation is the way to go!!! Wish ya all your success
  11. Well your return should provide sufficient circulation I used actinic to encourage coralline growth
  12. Well i don't see why not.... My LR are left in my tank for about a month before I got those stuff and coralline is still growing like crazy
  13. Ok I'll post some pics once my father comes home from Japan Took the DC with him
  14. Well mother nature made the chevron to become a black beauty when grown up
  15. Hope you kill the nudis successfully Wish ya luck
  16. Aquarama is not just focus on reef It has FW too but the motive there is to get distribution rights of some products
  17. Thanks for the comment bro Will try to post monthly growth pics
  18. For those who asked about the xenia frag, its doing very well and has grown 2 more polyps
  19. Here's the purple monster glued to the LR Looks a little blueish at the tips
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