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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Sis, I have managed to frag my red discosoma. I now have 3 frags, 1 for joe_p, 1 for bood stock and another out for swop. So far I've found their growth to be much slower than my other mushie frags, maybe its got something to do with their fluorescent protein? I am currently dosing Seachem Reef Plus as tried by GARF to increase the growth rate
  2. if you do not prune them often, they tend to mature and go asex Or they might be too cramp and get stressed up and die When they crash, your tank's most likely going to suffer as well
  3. if you do not prune them often, they tend to mature and go asex Or they might be too cramp and get stressed up and die When they crash, your tank's most likely going to suffer as well
  4. Wonder if the fluorescent protein here is the same as DsRED?
  5. a rhodactis? thought rhodactis have appendages on the disk?
  6. It'll be of great help if you post the other essential water parameters
  7. I have a sandbed of 3.5 inches thick and have no nitrate readings too
  8. both are slow growers and chaces of them polluting your tank is low
  9. Got an idea How about applying glue and pouring sand over it to create a sand wall or something?
  10. Don't like to use denitrators as it requires really fine tuning and will produce hydrogen sulphide if not tuned properly and this will cause you to restart again
  11. I have a brain (or whatever you call it) that has a damaged part and showing skeleton. But now it has grown over it and can be considered fully healed. A point to note is that you must not let algae set foot on the exposed part or it'll regress further
  12. Unlikely that it will split into 2 as they have a calcaerous skeleton But do update on its progress
  13. DO NOT RAISE YOUR S.G.!!!!! Specific gravity changes with temperature so it does not mean the higher your temperature, the higher the salt content. That's why you see many of us using refractometers with temperature compensation
  14. I do not really get what you mean but for me, I found that pointing my return to my Tunze creates a nice random current
  15. Wow this is really uncommon. Maybe you want to post a picture for us to see.
  16. All I got to say is that something sensational will be coming in 2006 Can't do much next year as I have "O" levels
  17. If you want to do a follow-up on my article, you are invited to do so. And others who wish to contribute their articles can post them here
  18. Ok I will try to write an article on NSW and salt mixes But about the marine setup guide, I will try to list out some basics and the rest I leave the reefers to read my articles or search for info elsewhere Anyway, keep the ideas coming
  19. Yes it can. But be sure to know the tank conditions of the other party as you do not want to seed your tank with sand that already have diatoms forming a biomat on the surface
  20. Now I do not have much frags to swop, that's why I am looking into donations to increase the variety of my brood stock
  21. Yes, so called "dry" sand is good enough. As bro terryansimon said, you can seed it by getting some sand from matured tanks. As for the macroalgae, I am still distrustful of caulerpa as it tends to crash suddenly or go asex and pollute your system. Its toxins are also suspected to decrease coral growth too and they grow so fast, you need to prine them frequently. I would recommend chaeto or ulva instead but for cases like me who do not use macroalgae for nutrient export, try growing the slower growing ones. You might also want to read my article on sandbeds first to get an overview on the dynamics
  22. Hi guys, I hope my recent posts in coral propagation has given a better insight to the correct methods and reasons for fragging. If you have tried to frag your corals (especially mushrooms), I'm asking for a frag to add to my brood stock. Its not compulsory but if you are willing to donate a frag to me, I will greatly appreciate it. Looking into different colours and forms of mushrooms for a start. Hope to provide more service to the aspect of coral propagation to you guys
  23. I mean I do not see the functionality of having the baffle standing straight up And its a venturi?
  24. Read the article on coralline algae recipe at www.garf.org
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