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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. IMO, the main interest in growing mangroves is not for its nutrient export puposes but more to add diversity to your system
  2. Show your tank's current status leh AT
  3. Yes, having a few clams will not drop your nitrate significantly and they only suck away your Ca
  4. in simple terms, its the process which results in the formation of CaCO3 or calcium carbonate, the details I'm sure you should know
  5. Yes, if I am not wrong, if you drip kalkwasser too fast, it will precipitate not only phosphate but also magnesium too
  6. I used a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX5 to take the pics. Not bad considering the fact that I'm not using a tripod
  7. Actually to be more exact, it is only a tell tale sign for SPS reefs as it shows that your water supports calcification.
  8. This is for DB, think yours look like a florida? Look at this guy
  9. Oh really? Sorry for that silly mistake
  10. I prefer Tunze and its widespread flow You can get it at EAN, our sponsor
  11. Dun think they are tunicates, more like featherduster worms if you ask me
  12. Your tank will look like a FW planted instead, well at least that's the main goal of reefkeeping back a few years ago
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