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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Hope we get through cause more than 80% of booths booked already
  2. Hi guys, I will need to change my MH bulbs soon in April and I need your suggestions on whether I should change to T5s. Basically, I want to change to T5s due to the heat and intensity issues. I am still trying to persuade my parents to get me a 8 tube fixture but currently its min 4 tubes. And for the LS I want to keep, it'll be a mixed reef with SPS on the top and mushies and LPS at the bottom. Pls share your views
  3. Just noticed that we are not in the exhibitor's list this year, so we are not taking part? I have been looking for this chance to do my part for our club And I noticed that there is a marine tank seminar, so who is the speaker? AT?
  4. And you can probably try to scam them by saying your dog lost all of its hair in fright :lol:
  5. Yes, I agree. The most a compensation of a new tank will do but compensation of $20,000 for "emotional trauma" is insane!!!!!
  6. I would advise culturing the bacteria with a proper substrate first before using the sugar method. And there is no way to monitor the amount to add so its risky.
  7. Are these qns bothering the world? Anyway, the lifespan of rowa depends on the level of PO4 in your water. Basically if you have minimal PO4 addition, it will last longer. That film on the surface I believe is caused by minute bubbles in your tank. So it becomes some sort of a skimmer and the gunk just accumulates on the surface. If you do not have a overflow, one will solve the problem. If you have an overflow, make sure the surface ripples do not deflect the gunk away from the overflow.
  8. But won't it pollute the tank? Was considering culturing clams though
  9. I think its probably due to the thinkness of the glass. If I am not wrong, Qi@n H& makes tanks for freshwater and this might be the cause of the crack and finally the tragedy. Anyway, the couple should do something when they noticed a crack but instead they chose not to do anything about it 20000 for compensation? Are they nuts or what? This really shows how kiasu Singaporeans are!! Even little thing like "emotional trauma" of losing a frogfish also have to compensate, and for equipments must compensate $15000!!!! Are they running on multiple Bubblekings and have a 3HP chiller? I am so ashamed to be a Singaporean
  10. IMO, its up to us to point out to these people. Its our mission to promote responsible reefkeeping and guide them along the way. Its no wonder that some will start to think of cheap alternatives as this hobby is expensive. Its a good article brought up by bro Gouldian that let us see the situation. And I believe its also linked to your personal commitment and passion. Do you want a healthy and thriving reef so that you can enjoy and be fascinated by the wonders these organisms can bring to you or do you just want to keep a "marine tank" just for the sake of keeping fishes? If you are the former, then unless you are really short of cash, I believe that spending on the hobby should become something like a part of your lifestyle. No point keeping a reef when you complain about LS dying and algae blooms all the time right?
  11. Ya. Imagine going to a LFS and somebody approaches you and says: "Hi, so you are so and so. Nice to meet you". I think this can promote bonding amongst the club members
  12. 1) diabolus - 1 x XL, 1 x XS 2) hermit - 1 x L, 1 x xL (both black design 2) 3) weishun - 1 x M, 1 x XS (Both White Design) 4) pegasus1010 - 1 x M White Design 2, 1 x M Black Design 2 5) ahloon - 1 x XL, 1 x XS 6) hamannbmw - 1 x L 7) iori_del - 1 x L 8) livebait- 1 x L BD2 9) dleecool - 1 X L (Black design 1) 10) shoelevy - 1 x M 11) Kurt Cobain- 1 x XXL black colour...design 2.... 12) shawncel - 1 x L Black Design 2, 1 x L White Design 2 13) Peh - 1 x L 14) wave_r - 1 x XL 15) shiraz - 1 x XXL? 16) Rapalla - 1 x L Black Design 2 17) Marinehobbist - 1 x XXL, 1 x L, 1 xM Black Design 2 18) Cheese - 1, L, White, Design 2, 19)lhraiders - 1 x XXL Black design 2 20) mwang - 1 x M White Design 2 21) prec - 1 X M Black design 22) kaykay - 1 x M. White. Design#2 23) rshut - 1 x m Black Design 1 & 2 24) XPeriment 626 - 1 x XL, 1 x XS, both Black Design 2 pls! 25) Mars-1x XL Design#2 black 26) Lester - 1 X M design #2 White pls :thanks 27) aCe^bOwleRz - 1 x M black - design 2 28) ReDDeviLs - 1 x L, 1 x M - 1white and 1black design 2 29) zulu-lulu 1 x XL (both black) both design 30) ckevin- 1 x L (Design 2) Black 31) mUAr_cHEe 1 X XL, 1 X XS (Design 2) Black 32) acura007 1 x M, 1x S (Design 2) White 33) daimy068 1 x M (Design 1) White 34) LoReNsIa 1 x XL White (design 1) 1 x XL black.. (design 2) 35) Seafood 1 x M (Design1) Black 36) Zappy Kiwi 1 x L (Design 2) White 37) Clownfish 1 X M (Design 1) black 38) blueheaven 1xL (Design 1) white (would like it if can have nick at sleeve)
  13. Wow its back is blue??? I have tons(actually a few dozens) of them in my fuge and main display. They are real fast creatures and seem to just glide past everything. Keeps my algae in control too!
  14. His word are contradictory!!! They claim that the system does not need to change water and in his article at Fi@hlo%e, he mentioned that there is no need to buy expensive equipments. But now he is admitting that he is using "expensive" equipments for his tanks at home. So what is he trying to say now?
  15. Which bristletooth are you talking about?
  16. I also not sure whether its true or not. Heard from those who stayed at the scene the whole day
  17. I believe he did this under tremendous pressure and breakdown. This was the story I heard: A friend of this guy asked him to help buy 4D This guy forgot and then the number opened as second price Friend pesters him to pay compensation He cannot pay and suffers breakdown The ending you all should know..... Actually, I agree with riot that the children are the most pitiful. The 4 yr old girl and 12 yr old boy could 1 day succeed in their careers and lead a peaceful life. Why did this guy have to do such a thing???
  18. Another reason why Singapore should not have casino
  19. Apologies for the typo I made. The first line should be" Today when my friend was running...." But still a very tragic case. Even 4 year old girl also not spared. Was quite suprised to see crowds even at 6pm, 8 hrs after the incident.
  20. Check this out: http://www.sp.edu.sg/estop/articles/2002/1...ificialreef.htm Do you feel safe in putting the reef in the hands of this guy???!!!!
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