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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. I am interested in the maximas and the derasa but will need price and pics first
  2. Ok chemical analysis of black substance will be out next wed so let's be patient
  3. Yeah I second bro riodan's description as compared to a kampong. I can still remember the time when I had joined SRC and everyone was like brothers and virtually knew each other. But as the Finding Nemo craze hit SRC, it left with it a trail of destruction. With the influx of new members, like what Voltron said, the "original" pioneers of SRC has somehow disbanded due to the rapid improvments of reefing technologies. With these guys absent, SRC has never been the same old "kampong" again. People begin to exploit this land as they have done so in other forums and that kampong has somehow negatively developed into a complex society. What is really the scary part of it is when I see new reefers come and go in such a short period of time. How often do you guys see "giving up" sales being posted? These people are just like foreigners, they come, do something, pack up, and go. Although there is still a handful which we graciously welcome as PRs. Therefore, having said all this, I have some suggestions for AT and the mods to look into: 1) Filter out those who joined to sell stuff, have already given up on the hobby or have "moved to the other side 2) Have more frequent meetings to create mutual bonding between reefers 3) Place much stronger emphasis on responsible reefkeeping 4) Be firm in handling repeat offenders I myself have grown under the guidance of the nice people here. I have started from posting questions to providing answers and now to giving evidence-based answers. I believe that if I can benefit so much from this club (free too!), others can too, if they have the passion to make a difference
  4. Aiyah 34 still not old la Reaching prime liao Anyway, Happy Birthday!!!
  5. But it can't be that removal by humans are of a naturally occuring process right? I mean since when did humans step in to maintain the balance of nature? And we are not talking about minute quantity of stuff we are taking, we have been harvesting large scale ya know PS. And you only got A1 for GP, not enough for you ha?
  6. More like yumas have bumps on their "mouths" but floridas do not
  7. What's those white dots on the glass?
  8. Well, which of my statements do you not agree with? Its very rude to blatantly say that I do not understand english at all. Come on, I top my class in English. This has already shown how you even judge things, and give statements which are unaccounted for or you have no proof against. Furthermore, your post does not help the situation in any way. If you disagree with what I've said, you can post your side of view and we can look over it and discuss. And lastly, I am not criticising the article. And I have not said that what the article says is wrong or untrue. I am merely giving my comments
  9. I am trying to find out the origin of the black substance. It could well be anything from a ppt to lifeforms.
  10. I'll take wet. Basically i want to get rid of those gunk ASAP.
  11. So will our nicks be printed on the sleeves? Dun mind paying extra for that
  12. Let's give our prayers to the Holy Father
  13. Can someone pls confirm the order? Would like to wear them to Aquarama
  14. I am conducting an experiment to find that out. But as it was stated as a form of cyano, I am wondering whether it is dependent on H2S to survive or maybe it is killed by the product of the oxidation of H2S. I'll post results soon.
  15. Nope, sadly infauna do not posess the quorum gene Yes, you may have the basis of all forms of life, you may have algae but where do the infauna come from? The LR we purchase for our refugiums are already half dead and you expect to have a thriving community? And also unlike other countries, Singapore lacks "recharge kits" being sold to us. And also, algae is not an infauna, should call it "inflora"
  16. What we want is not an anaerobic region. We want an anoxic region which still consists of minor traces of oxygen. As for bacteria overcrowding, I have stated in my article under "Quorum Gene Sensing" that bacteria are able to control their population by quorum sensing. And to the bane of Singapore reefers, most of us do not even have enough infauna in our sandbeds, not say overcrowding. Even I had to resort to culturing my own infauna to replenish my DSB. And lastly, the depth of a sandbed, as mentioned in my article, depends on the water that is passed through them. And from what I learnt, H2S is produced when sulphide salts (probably from sulphur containing organic compounds) are decomposed and dissociated to ions, one of which is sulphide ion. The sulphide ion then reacts with the hydrogen ions in water to form H2S and this process is decreased with increasing pH. Furthermore, the amount of undissociated H2S decreases as salinity increases in a constant temperature and pH. Then in this case, why do we have H2S forming in our tanks?
  17. These guys really know how to joke :lol:
  18. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-04fools/eb/index.htm Eric Borneman is sickas proclaimed by Dr M. Capricornis
  19. Oh my gosh!!!! http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-04fools/ltte/index.htm
  20. That's a common problem amongst reefers. Most of them think that they can set up a sandbed by just adding the sand and it just stops there. That's why I came up with the article to provide a simple but detailed explaination of sandbed dynamics which i wish reefers who are setting up a sandbed read first before setting it up. Actually, a properly set up and maintained sandbed can provide maximum chemical filtration and can even change to provide maximum effeciency should the tank water conditions change. You just imagine, most bacteria can reproduce (binary fission) every 20 mins under the right conditions, you almost have a frontline of soldiers standing by to help if anything bad should come.
  21. I can sponsor about 40 packs of packet drinks for refreshments
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