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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Let me share a little trick i used to cut the noise. For me, my MD40 creates noise when the white part touches the floor and vibrates. So I simply put a piece of sponge (those black industrial usage ones) and viola, the noise is cut. The hard sponge also supports the pump too
  2. Its doing fine except the base had started to turn slight greenish Noticed a new stick stickin' (its lame, I know) out from the base already
  3. Wah piang, later your fishes get giddy with the wavebox and then not careful, kena shredded by the blade :lol:
  4. Hehe....I just removed 2 from my refugium. Got one even 2.5cm diameter!!!!
  5. Looks better today in the morning. Open big big with big round bumbs. This was taken just 5 mins ago under actinics
  6. Really? Wow, its the only nice colour single mouth there. Saw a jade green one too. Well, guess what? My fire orange rhodactis decided that its about time to procreate and so it splitted!!!!! :D Pardon the crappy pics cause still using crappy camera
  7. Check it out man, especially for SPS reefers http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...threadid=588415
  8. You know sometime old ppl got erm....well....
  9. Yeah got it cause its half pinkish, half orange My sand grade is #1
  10. I have these on for 24/7 in my refugium
  11. That's a sick one man.... I get what you mean....
  12. Haiz went to AA today but didn't know Paradiz Reef got shipment so just bypass it :cry:
  13. Water cleared up a little after running carbon Got this cute guy today Hope it'll cover the whole rock soon
  14. Davies: Happy Birthday!!!!! You're 1 year older than me
  15. You put the macro algae into your main tank?
  16. Redone the pipes and no leaks now (thanks for the boiling water part) Tank looks a little cloudy today. I suspect ionic imbalance. Is this common with new CR setups?
  17. Effluent rate dropped by 1 sec today. Gonna redo the pipings later
  18. I did not tee from my return but from my FR input. My effluent is now at 1 drop per 2 sec
  19. Yup, I even made a chart from my readings. I just hope those sticks appreciate what I am doing for them
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