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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Double that Last time my macros all so nice. Now use some C@n#n crap and all so blur. IMO the Mega O.I.S is crucial in all cameras and the LCD also darn big
  2. For a new tank, run rowa in a FR from day 1 Believe me, you will not regret it. I did not have any algae bloom except for a minor one when I forgot to change the media. Now everything is clear of algae, even the sand!!!
  3. Agree with that. You see what my beckett can churn out and imagine leaving those in your water
  4. Plan first and do extensive reading first before going into this hobby. Plan your budget and try not to add any LS until you are ready. I am also 16 and I have no problems with my tank, got to eat bread and butter everyday to save cash though
  5. Probably due to sudden drop in oxygen levels
  6. That's why I used a MSB with a powerful skimmer
  7. What do you mean by crash? A sandbed crashing can mean many different situations. Can be more specific?
  8. Read a similar article today from FAMA The writer pointed out quorum sensing too in his article. Seems like this field is kind of exciting to explore. (BTW the part on quorum sensing came solely from me and I had not noticed that the foreigners also thought of the same thing) Would propose a research project on quorum sensing with regards to reef systems
  9. Yeah, was quite shocked too Well I guess in this hobby, nothing is definite Anyway, the clip on light from Ikea is working wonders for me Now the caulerpa grow new holdfasts everyday
  10. Today was a sad day... :cry: Due to the thunderstorm on Saturday, my MCB tripped and caused a blackout. Luckily I was at home and rectified the problem immediately. But after roll call, found a chromis missing. Didn't take much notice until today when my "tua hum" was in trouble. It didn't open much and kept blasting jets of water which created sandstorms. Finally, took it out and inspected it. Found a chromis inside it . Hypothesis: Chromis darted into the clam during blackout shock, got stuck, caused demise of clam as well. Good bye my tua hum, will miss you always.... :cry:
  11. I was probably there before you Took that specimen, put into bucket, then my parents say only can buy 1, so I put it back into the tub Was there on Sat morning about 8+ am
  12. A denitrator is very difficult to tune and once its tuned wrongly, you will have to restart and it even might lead to the production of hydrogen sulphide. Go for a more natural approach
  13. Yes, that may be the reason. MHs can burn up to more than 100 degrees (not very energy efficient eh?) Rapid cooling of the glass, especially with the cold water from our tanks will cause it to shatter. Or did your bulb break?
  14. You got that green speckled one I was talking about!!!!
  15. My view here may be a little biased as I am a user of a sandbed Basically, I see sandbeds as a more controlled form of LR. You compare the porous rocks with the surface area around tens of thousands of sand Furthermore, a sandbed allows full control of bacterial zones and also provides a place for infauna to thrive. If you do want to follow a berlin system, you need LOTS of LR to provide the necessary filtration effects. Of course this also depends on the LS you want to keep and the bio load. In anything we do, we try to have more. Like having a sandbed, we try to have one as big as possible and as for LR, we want as much as we can accomodate. A lot of plaaning goes into the final decision as each system has its own pros and cons. I suggest you spend some time to read up more on the various systems and do some consideration as to which most suits you and go along with it
  16. Not that i want to say bad stuff but reb&r#'s sandbed is covered with diatoms!!!!
  17. Do you have to pay to go to Chek Jawa?
  18. Aquamarine got those useful black with blue stripes nudibranch not commonly seen in Singapore Go down to take a look
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