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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Yeah you got that right Didn't know where to start fragging and had to ponder for about 5 mins before I go down to all the clipping Now I have a frag in my tank and left 1 more frag up for trade Its brown though, after all the stress but you guys have seen the previous colour...
  2. I suggest you try to place the pump as close to the beckett as possible to reduce the length of pipe connecting the skimmer and the pump. Not only it will look neater and nicer, you get much more pressure and flow too
  3. No matter tea or coffee, its the amount you get that signifies your skimmer efficiency. Well as for tea of course you will get more skimmate than coffee. As for mine, I am still quite happy with my cup of coffee with sludge to top it up
  4. Well, look at bro lightningstrike's new toy
  5. Thanks for the pic Eric Anyone else can do a contribution? Don't be shy, its not a bad thing if you have black stuff in your sandbed.
  6. According to what Anthony Calfo had said, caulerpa is able to tolerate 24hr lighting As for the algae turning vegetative, it will usually release its gametes and then a mass dieoff occurs, further polluting the water
  7. Hmm...why does algae go asexual? Well, for reproduction of course!!! As for when it will happen, basically about 3 months if you don't prune them And it occurs when the lights are out so you see ppl with 24/7 lights
  8. Hi guys, I need those reefers who have the black layer in the sandbed to post some pics of the sand. Preferable a front shot (showing the black layer) and a top down shot And I would also appreciate a statement of the depth of the sandbed All pictures are for research purposes and permission will be requested if to be used in any form. all
  9. Wow...big FOWLR You want to keep angels?
  10. Yep, just fragged the affected acro just now It was only when I took it out that I see how badly affected it was Guess they don't call it "Rapid tissue necrosis" for nothing Anyway, I managed to frag out 2 healthy pieces from the mother colony Have since glued one and will be trading the other one
  11. You are getting tea? I am still making my coffee No joke man, becketts are quite difficult to tune but once you get it,
  12. You can use LEDs too I used to get mine from Sim Lim Tower
  13. Hows the black cap doing? Have you tried the magnet water movement thingy you we were discussing?
  14. Just a survey of how much skimmate you get per day Just give a rough estimate in regards to a 6 inch diameter cup And I would love it if you state what sort of skimmate you have tuned to achieve
  15. I dont think they even take in phyto You can try Golden Pearls, it works for me
  16. Just wondering, can anyone teach me how to frag this specimen?
  17. From what I have learnt, UV can only be blocked by glass so acrylic might not be that suitable
  18. Oh yes, I forgot to add that I spotted a polka dotted pistol shrimp at my clam Wonder if it is harmful? Will try to take some pics later
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