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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. They just want to be part of the crowd You know, the "herding" instinct Sometimes I also wonder, do some ppl decommission their tank just because they see many other doing that?
  2. Wow love the odd looking shape Anyway, here's the pinkish monti cap
  3. Here's a pinkish orangish(what revolting english!!) monti cap You can see its starting to encrust onto the rock
  4. Here's a shot with -2 exposure Pic does not show how yellow it really is
  5. Tank shot with 0 exposure The camera really s***
  6. Yep that's right, heard that the Lumix FX8 will be released next month or so Compared to the FX7, it has almost twice the battery life and more functions. Anyone here getting it except for me?
  7. That's a good link I usually derive my information from reading these science journals It wasn't easy to simplify it ya know!!
  8. I will most likely adopt a reef home And I also strongly encourage SRC reefers to adopt one Or if SRC is willing to hold a donation drive to adopt 3-4 reef homes, I will also support that. Lets look into reef conservation together as a club!!!
  9. Well I will be selling the specimen after the project so be sure to keep yourself updated
  10. Got this extra purple monti cap frag for trade Going to take pics of the pink monti cap tomorrow
  11. You should not worry about the black stuff but more on how to achieve the anoxic zone in your sandbed. The black stuff are just "indicators" to tell you that the sandbed has a totally anaerobic zone
  12. Last pic for the day (sorry i forgot to take the full tank pic) Green polyped mille with polyps still a bit retracted
  13. Here's the extra frag which I am looking to trade
  14. Thanks a lot bro Vel Anyway, here's a pic of the purple monti cap I got under -2 exposure Pic is still blur as I am still using the crappy camera
  15. Yeah I had eggcrates on the top of the water to diffuse the light. Will remove by the end of this week Are the 10kk really so yellowish looking? Or maybe the colour would change once I run it for a few more days? And also, I am supplimenting them with 2x54w T5s an Aquaz Actinic and an Aqualight CoralBlue.
  16. Yeah I agree with Bandit although my digitatas are growing fast despite being next to a huge leather (I'm selling it so any takers can PM me).
  17. Well the growth of the chaeto did help me get rid of the remaining 2ppm of nitrates in my water. Phosphates have been undetectable since day 1 of my tank so quite difficult for me to tell. As for slowdown in growth, generally not that much but I noticed that growth seems to retard when the specimen is confined in too small a space. The reason I place them in the basket is not only to receive more intense light but also to keep the moonsnails from grazing on them
  18. The colour of the BLVs are very yellow. Even the T5s are not able to offset the colour. Hope it turns whiter when it had burned in Will post a tank pic with the new lights on later at night Anyway, will there be an increase in skimmer performance if I change my MD40 to a Rio 20HF? I have not been reading the threads recently so would like some comments
  19. BTW, I am considering changing my skimmer pump to a Rio 20HF. Since my pump is just beside the skimmer, the headloss would not be too great. What do you guys think?
  20. For SPS, you have to read up more on husbandry. In short, I consider water quality as top priority with water movement as next and strong lightings as last priority. If you have stable water parameters and turbulent, multi-directional flow and of course good lights and have armed yourself with an array of information about SPS, you might want to try M. digitatas and M. capricornis first as a start. If the specimens have started to encrust on the rocks and polyps are visible, you are on the right track. The one greatest mistake that you can make is to jump into SPS without knowing proper husbandry. As you can see, I only started SPS when my tank is almost a year old
  21. The overall look of the tank is quite yellowish as expected and I hope it will lighten up soon. My baby blue zoos and palytoa are getting a little bit stressed up by the sudden change in lighting. Would observe them a few more days before deciding whether I should move them down.
  22. The frame was from DE and I did all the drilling and screwing....
  23. Yep, the chaeto is still sitting in my refugium as I did not go back to school these few days Look at how much it has grown!!!!
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