As of 24/2/12 Update:
Sorry that I am unable to reply to all PMs, which already been reserved on FCFS basis
1. DBE-200 1/4HP chiller (Daeilace, OEM Artica) $250. Used 3yrs+ - Reserved Jameshong (collection: Sunday)
2. Ehiem 5000 compact. REDUCED $100. Used 3yrs+
3. Chiller pump Ehiem 1000. $20 Used 3yrs+
4. Algae scrubber with pump for sump tank 1.5ft across. -COLLECTED
5. Illummax Pro T5-36 Lighting for 3ft tank. $20 *Independant power plug for white, blue and moonlight. 1 tube is down and needs to be replaced; 1 moonlight LED is down. - Reserved bird01 (collection: Sunday)
6. 3ft x 2ft x 2.5ft(height) with hood and sump; 8mm thick glass. Token amount after viewing condition. - Reserved Raider72 (collection 2/3/12)
7. Skimmer for 3ft tank - $10