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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. Things are not looking good for my tank.the new mushrooms are starting to melt at the base and I've tried my best to cut away the infected areas. Lost a few nice shrooms so far. Sigh.
  2. Hi Gobyluver, yesterday I bought 3 more rocks of mushrooms and one had a 2-3cm tiger pistol in it. After searching to ensure it is reef safe, I put the shrimp in but it got whacked by the yellow wrasse and clown before it could hide.
  3. I am currently using Aquaz Blue Pro and Aquaz cool daylight I think. I only turn on the daylight for photo taking purposes hence the weird colour hue in the pic. I lost a few mushrooms today, reason I think attributed to the sudden light from the 2nd bulb.
  4. That is with flow. Im monitoring my algae growth, so far all seems to be normal, but the algae starts to turn white every few days.
  5. Heres a pic that I took but forgot to upload. Dont mind the light reflection... but just to show the oil film that was acculumated.
  6. I've decided to make a comeback again after lying low for the past year. For posts on how my tank was started, refer to Part 1 Introduction I've always been crazy about mushroom corals. Their ease of keeping and fast propagation amazed me the first time I learn about it when I just started a marine tank. Ever since, it has been my dream to have a tank full of mushroom corals with different assorted colours. Unfortunately, I have no luck in keeping them. My mushrooms tend to do ok for the first few weeks and then start to fall off the rock or simply melt away after some time. Other corals I had were bubbles, frogspawn, hammer which were doing fine except my mushrooms. After my corals died, I sold off the remaining corals and decided to make it a FOWLR tank with a couple of dwarf angels. Due to lack of maintenance, I lost my bi-colour angel and decided to call it a day. I was about to convert my tank into a paludarium when I thought I would give a last try to acheive my dream again. The Goal To acheive a tank full of mushroom corals with assorted colours. No rics or yumas, plain old discosomas species. Tank specifications Tank size: Standard 2ft tank Filteration: IOS Return Pump: Seio M820 (Yes a wavemaker) Lights: 2x24w T5 lights DIY from DE Fan: DIY 12V PC fan Skimmer: Skimmerless Misc: Algae scrubber with 11W LED light Livestock Assorted mushrooms Star Polyps (To hopefully cover my wall) 1x Common clownfish 2x Firegoby 1x Yellow wrasse 1x Turbo snail 1x Sand starfish I shall not bore you guys any longer.. here's my FTS
  7. Found some pistol shrimp on my LR... is it good to put them in the tank?

    1. peacemaker


      Buy a goby that can form a symbiotic relationship with the pistols. Then again, I would prefer to take them out if they are of unknown species.

  8. Going to drop by ah beng's later! Hope he has new mushroom stock!
  9. Here's a FTS of my tank now. Hard to see as I'm using blue T5 lights that I salvaged from before. Better than nothing anyway.
  10. Hi peace! Nice to see you again. Yes I've read that TOTM acticle before. Its one of my inspirations for me to create a mushroom tank like that. Thanks for the pic! Do you have more? How's your tank coming along? Maybe we can swop mushie frags.
  11. Went to SeaLife just now.. lots of fishes in stock. Including the rare starkii damsel only 3 pcs left!
  12. Anyone have anymore links to pic of tanks filled with mushrooms? I'm trying really hard to fill my tank full of them!
  13. Sorry but what is DOC and GFO? I will take a pic of my scrubber tonight.
  14. Recently I observed that the algae on my scrubber starting to turn translucent after adding in activated carbon. Is this normal?
  15. What I've read about large tanks is that they have their own salt mixing tank for water changes. You can try getting a standard 2ft tank (~60L) for mixing your premix overnight with a powerhead. After siphoning, pump the water back into the main tank.. You don't even have to use barrels. Just a suggestion.
  16. Is activated carbon good for marine tanks?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Firestarter


      After putting in carbon for 2 days my algae from the scrubber is producing a layer of white oil and turning white! help is that normal?

    3. tunicate


      I think still need to measure water parameters to be certain.

    4. cedricang


      Bro, i use carbon only when it is necessary, eg to remove foul smell is very effective.

  17. 2nd night and the mushroom has shown signs of recovery. Hope it will be fully fused tomorrow night.
  18. Will dip in iodide solution if it still remains like that for another day. There are many ways of fragging mushrooms, which you can find on youtube.
  19. Thanks for the advice, I think its trying really hard to fuse back but maybe its too big, cause I spotted it trying to bend its side towards each other but cant managed to join properly. Maybe I should help place it in a position where both ends are touching together haha.
  20. As promised here is the pic of the green mushroom that I fragged last night. Noticed that under white lights its quite green but brown when expanded in the earlier pic hmmmmm... One of the frags have almost fused into a disc, now waiting for the other to recover. Can still see all the exposed tissue, is this normal?
  21. Amby do you still have all your mushies from the whole 62 pages of this thread?
  22. What you mean by overlap? I was wondering if can try cutting 2 diff mushrooms into 2 havles and then letting them fuse together like how they did it with zoos. Do you think it may work?
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