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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. Hi sis ming, do you have any mushroom frags for sale? Btw, nice tank!
  2. Keep up with the updates! Btw Lemon, you're a 'sis'? I always thought you were a 'bro'. Haha.
  3. None taken, I've already gotten rid of that huge rock and my scaping now consist mostly of small pieces of LR. There's still a problem now when purchasing corals attached to big LR.
  4. Yes you are right! It only looks nice only from the top. I've been trying to maintain its colour and so far it only looks brown in white light. I think I lost 2 polyps 2 weeks ago, but the rest are doing fine. Any suggestions on how to bring out the colour? I've been dosing aquapharm iodide and aquapharm 5-1 coral food daily. Hope that I'm doing it right.
  5. I dont really know the specific names of the mushrooms that I have. Can you tell me which one is the bullseye rhos?
  6. Its been sometime since I last updated. I was busy with school, and my lousy cam was kinda problematic. Much has changed on the setup, one is that I upgraded my lights by adding in a new 36W PL blue tube. Sorry no pics of the mod. Then I've rescaped as I felt that I have too much LR in my small tank. Before:
  7. 3000L/H is too powerful for a standard 2ft tank. You can reduce the force of the current by pointing the wavemaker to the glass or LR. And its a sump, not a slump.
  8. Thats really sad news peace, I know how you feel. Hope things get better for your tank soon.
  9. Time for an update! How's your tank and scrubber doing?
  10. LR is currently reserved. Will update again if buyer backs out.
  11. Pic as requested. My cam is down now, can't take any pics right now. Hope this pic is enough.
  12. Got 1 large piece of LR for sale. I estimate it to be 5kg. Going for $5. Its about the size of a 1.5L bottle. Collection in the East.
  13. Want to trade this large piece of LR, I think its about 5kg estimate, for some mushroom frags. Can be any kind of mushroom. Thanks.
  14. The fish eats like a pig and its been really strong to survive for so long. I've tried to limit by just feeding it food soaked in real garlic. Quite sad to see the never ending ich attacking on it day by day.
  15. I do have soft corals and a snail in my tank. I havent bought any fishes for 3 weeks already and the parasites are attacking the same fish over and over again hence the continued ich attacks.
  16. Sorry for digging up this thread. I got a similar problem now, and my purple dottyback, which is the only fish in the tank has been getting ich on and off daily. Sometimes the duration would delay for a day or so, then the white spots would come again. I've tried using real garlic, chopped them up into small pieces, soaked them in warm water with frozen mysis shrimp and then feed it to the fish. There would be some improvement initially, but the white spot would resurface again. Will using real garlic be the same compared to the commercial type of garlic sold in LFS? Please advise.
  17. Sea horses need to be housed in a sea horse specific tank. They need much cooler temp like 22'C if I'm not wrong. What do you mean wouldn't make your water dirty? All fishes will make your water 'dirty', might as well don't keep can fishes. Since yours is a small tank, I would recommend some gobies, chromis or dartfish. Do not get damsels. You will regret it later.
  18. THIS IS WRONG MAN! Good thing you asked your queries here.
  19. Cloudiness could be the cause from a bacteria bloom. It should clear up after a few more days to a week, since its already 2 days and the water has not cleared up. You can start cycling by adding more LR to the setup.
  20. No, leave the market prawn inside for a few days, until it start to decompose, or your tank start to smell extremely smelly. This will cause ammonia to spike. Then remove the prawn and let the tank run for 4 weeks.
  21. Seems like you are still unsure about the whole cycling process. I don't understand why you have to run for 4 wks first, then run for another 6 wks with market prawn. Go get test kits for ANN, and don't put any livestock in. This is very important as you can't do a proper cycle with LS. What I would preferably do is introduce the market prawn and let it run for 4 wks, then use test kits to test for NH4 and NO2
  22. Looking good! Do you just let the mushrooms propagate on their own? How about the temp of the tank? Any chance of a top down pic?
  23. Yes, I've seen your mod. Would like to know if you on the fan 24/7, and whats the temp of your tank? My fan will lower the temp down to 24'C so I can't run it 24/7.
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