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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. Oh, thats sad news. He's was a master of fragging.
  2. Wah that site still up? I thought the site has been closed down the last time I tried to visit. Must go take a look.
  3. why you laughing? haha, maybe its something to do with the thread that I've dug up dated 2007. Care to tell me what really happened?
  4. Yeah, was using another nick before, created a new account as I wanted to change nicks. To keep the ball rolling, some reefers that I still remember: 1. shoelevy 2. shootsimon 3. CalciumReef 4. acidjazz 5. minsmarine still lots more that I cant recall now. BTW, why was acidjazz banned?
  5. Do a search on his nick at the members tank forum.
  6. Hi gouldian, you're one of the reefers that I still remember from 'that time'. Glad to know that madmac and flubber is still around in the hobby.
  7. Let's start a thread in memory of all the great ex-reefers that came and left over the past few years in SRC. These ex-reefers could either have gone MIA, haven't posted in a long time, or quit reefing totally. Any particular reefer worth mentioning? Or his/her tank have given you the most inspiration, or someone who really helped you alot in the forum, etc. I shall be the first to start the ball rolling, being in the forum since 2004 (new account because I wanted to change nick), I've remembered some really good reefers, which makes me think why I'm still in this hobby after nearly 5 years. madmac - I respect his SPS tank, running on T5 lights with weipro skimmer and cannister. (MIA) flubberina - She had very nice LS. (Migrated to USA if I'm not wrong) Rodian - Very good knowledge which he shares with others. (MIA) William Muk - Very nice tank (MIA) maxstar81 - Always anticipating what his latest LS will be, fresh from the beach. (Quit) Lets keep the ball rolling!
  8. May I know how big is the rock? Collection place?
  9. Maybe its time to change to a better skimmer. Those air stone type skimmer really cannot make it.
  10. The catfish look like a school of hyperactive neon gobies. Thought it would be unique to have some fish that are diff from what u can get at the LFS.
  11. Thanks all for the reply. I've put the halfbeak and the catfishes into the tank. The baby mono seems to be pecking on the halfbeak every now and then so decided to separate them. Anybody wants to adopt the baby mono?
  12. Yeah I've caught many of these squids, but released them back as I do not think provide the specific care they need.
  13. Well, don't think its good to reveal the location.
  14. Last pic is a fish that I couldn't get a good pic on. I've used this pic, from Jameshong (hope you dont mind), and its the same as the 2 fishes on the left. Is that a mono? Safe to put into tank? If not then I'll have to give them away.
  15. Next is this halfbeak. I think its a broad nose halfbeak http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/ver...e/broadnose.htm Safe to put into tank?
  16. Caught 3 kinds of fishes at the beach yesterday. Did some ID on them. First pic is school of cat fishes. http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/ver...ae/lineatus.htm The link says that its a popular aquarium fish but I've never seen them in any LFS before. Advise? Thinking of putting them in my tank.
  17. Why use bioball? It'll become a nitrate factory.
  18. Do you guys keep fragging your mushies, to make them spread fast? I want to acheive a mushroom tank but the mushrooms are splitting very very slowly (1 month only see 1 split). Is that normal?
  19. I'd move the infected mushrooms away from the non infected ones. The worms are very fast, you gotta move on them quickly. You can use a pair of tweezers to remove them but be very careful not to injure the mushroom. I've read about this method of shining a spot of light into the tank at night, as the flatworms are attracted to light. Perhaps you can try and share if it works.
  20. Looks like a bristleworm? Whatever it is, I sure don't want it in my tank, whether good or bad. I'm sure you will agree.
  21. Any colour will do. Just want to fill my tank up with all kinds of mushies. Just asking, do you frag it them yourself? Cause I find that its taking too long to reproduce by natural means.
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