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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. Nice tank. I have a hitchhiker clove too. Hope it would grow like yours.
  2. I did a search on Aniculus maximus and it displayed strawberry hermits. Liomera sp does look like strawberry crab. Unfortunately I've never seen my strawberry crab ever since I released it into my tank. I only have 2 pictures of it.
  3. Hi fuel, the LFS told me its from US, and said they don't come in often. After comparing the pics, mine doesn't have any spots. Do you know the name of the indo pacific species?
  4. Tank Specs Tank Size: 2x1.2x1ft (Standard 2ft tank with IOS) Sump: N/A Equipment: Seio M820, DIY 12V PC Fan Lighting: 2x36wPL (10 hrs daylight) Filtration: Algae scrubber Water Parameters Temp: 26-28'C NH4: 0 N02: N/A N03: 25mg/l <---- could this be the cause? P04: N/A PH: 8.0 <---- do I need to raise this to 8.3? Salinity: 1.024 Livestock 2x chromis 1x false percula clown 1x yellow clown goby 2x fire goby 1x turbo snail 1x cleaner shrimp 1x strawberry crab Corals ? x mushrooms 2 x hammer 1x green star polyps Additional info Tank loses 1.5L water a day. Topped up with tapwater + water conditioner and placed on drip Barebottom tank Tank running since 1 Jan 2009
  5. I bought it less than $10 at Pasir Ris farmway.
  6. The crab has since disappeared after releasing it into the tank. I doubt I'll ever catch a glimpse of it easily. What a pity as it has a really nice colour.
  7. They have been like this since I fragged them. Some of them drifted from the rock and attached themselves at the tank bottom. Some of my mushrooms on the LR are also folded inwards. Is this something I should worry about? They seem to be doing well after so long.
  8. Your damsel does not bully the firegobies?
  9. I've noticed that some of my mushrooms are folded inwards. Why do they do this? Its been a few months now but everything seems fine. Why do they fold instead of expanding bigger? Is this due to too much light?
  10. I bought a strawberry crab few days ago. According to the internet its reef safe. Anyone with experience keeping this?
  11. Just a small update. Bought a strawberry crab from Pasir Ris farmway. It says its reef safe, but reefers have experience them attacking fishes.
  12. May I know your water parameters? Whats your PH? I've been trying to get my mushrooms to expand. But only managed to get the fragged ones to recover quickly. Otherwise no other changes at all.
  13. Wow its been 4 years since you last updated. Glad to see you back!
  14. What's with the thumbnail pics? Makes viewing a chore don't you think?
  15. Its been a long time since I've last updated, one of the reasons was that I can't adjust my lousy cam to the correct settings. Please bear with the pics, it really seems like I look them in blue light, but its not supposed to turn out blue. I've been stocking mostly mushroom corals, as I want to make my tank full of them. Some other changes are that I've removed my skimmer and replaced it with an algae scrubber.
  16. Demonsori, whats your secret to making your mushrooms multiply fast? I dose iodide daily but it still seems to be the same. My mushrooms also don't seem to be expanding in size as well.
  17. I'm using corallife salt and I can tell you its a total disaster. Same experience as what someone else said, " The solubility sucks, water still very cloudy after more than 12 hrs and a lot of undissolved salt below tank even after using a powerful pump to circulate." So far I've used RedSea salt before and even though I know its not a recommended salt, its even better then the corallife salt I'm using now. :angry:
  18. Yes, what SM means is that there is no need for any mechanical filtration, any uneaten food or waste will be consumed back by the fishes/corals.
  19. Here is my scrubber, dated 130709. Was too busy to post that day and forgot all about it. I have a question now, is it normal for the scrubber to become clear again? I noticed that the screen seems to be losing algae growth.
  20. I like the open top concept. And yes, you have stocked up too quickly. Hope everything goes well. And good luck trying to catch the damsels. :upsidedown:
  21. sherman from Arofanatics? Yes I've seen his tank before, I believe we were at the same gathering few years ago. Very nice tank, $380 is a really good price for such a tank.
  22. I was rather hesitant to change to an algae scrubber at first and doubted it would really work, as it was too good to be true. Almost 1.5 weeks of converting to the scrubber, I can see such great results! My corals are finally doing better, pods population has almost tripled, and I don't even need to clean the tank glass at all (usually by now it would be covered my a thin film of brown diatoms). Its amazing what the results were. Forget expensive skimmers, denitrators etc, just a good light source and good flow will do. One of the main reasons why I changed to a scrubber was because of my high nitrate reading. When I finally bought a test kit and tested it, the reading was more than 100mg/l and now it has dropped significantly to 25mg/l. Another advantage was that I could skip the skimmer pump which resulted in my water temp dropping 0.5 - 1 deg. I'd post more pics some other day.
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