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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. The 2 halves are trying to fuse back into a disc shape now, hope they can be fused by morning. Will take some pics later as my hp is charging now. I only buy the cheap mushrooms first or just a single polyp until I have full confidence of keeping the rare ones. Just noticed 2 of my mushies showing signs of splitting.
  2. Managed to take a pic of the mushroom as I've decided to frag it. Its not a green as I thought under normal lights. But its damn huge, covering all my other mushrooms in the basket so I decided to cut it in 2.
  3. Hi Flub, great to see you back again... how was your stay in the US? And what happened to your angel avatar?
  4. Amby!!! You are back haha thought you disappeared after all you're the most active in this thread. Well I thought I'll have a last attempt at mushrooms (its always been my dream to have a tank full of them) and so far everything is doing well keeping my fingers crossed. I'm only interested in the discosoma species so no yumas, rics, or rhodatics for me. I've got this dark green mushroom with lime green spots... I don't know if you have seen them before as its not posted in this thread so far maybe I might have missed it... Pic won't help as I duno why the pics turn out in such a blue hue... any ideas?
  5. There is already a compiled list here. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/85282-updated-lfs-directory-listing/
  6. Place the yuma in a low or almost no flow area, it will attach itself back onto the rock. Keep it under low light conditions to minimize the stress involved.
  7. This particular piece of furniture is the $20 'coffee table' and its not meant for tanks above 1ft in length. Do note that the legs are not secure and will break under pressure.
  8. Any mushroom coral experts here? Would like to ask you for tips on mushroom coral

    1. TayHongSiang


      wat about mushroom?...they r easy...place them in low flow area will do...strong lights will make them grow faster and open bigger

    2. Firestarter


      Hi Ahsiang, mind if we discuss via pm? Thanks!

  9. Hi, keep up with the updates! Any FTS of your tank? Very amused that the flounder swims up to the surface... I always though they burry themselves in the sand and are bottom feeders.
  10. Just diagnosed my fire goby with fish TB. Found this link really useful so I would like to share it with you guys. Cheers. Pictorial Fish Disease Guide
  11. Keep up with the updates, really interesting to see how the tank is going. Beware of the hitchhiker crabs, I suspect they are the ones who killed your sexies, not the pistol. Cheers.
  12. Bi colour blenny are known to chase or attack fire gobies. In my case I was lucky that I got a peaceful one. Add with caution though.
  13. Thanks for the info guys... any idea when is Irwana shipment coming in again? Might take a trip down today to take a look.
  14. Have you checked for isopods? If you don't know what they are, do a search on them. I lost a few fishes 1 by 1 until I found the cause. Isopods! Also, make sure that no electricity is leaking into the water. That may be another cause of fishes going 1 by 1.
  15. Hi all, I'm looking for a small sized coral beauty at around 3 inches... the ones I saw are 4 inches and bigger.. Afraid that it would attack my bi colour angel which is only 2.5 inches. Looked ard at PR farms on tuesday but all big sized ones. Anyone knows which LFS has them in stock?
  16. A mushroom tank!! Peace, I honestly felt so excited to see you starting one yourself. Haha, I've tried countless times but in the end my mushrooms start to melt away. Hope the mushies fill up your tank quickly.
  17. Something bad happened to my tank while I was too busy this weekend. Some of my mushrooms melted, checked salinity and PH both are ok. Wonder why they just melt like that.
  18. Hey Peace, recently I bought a yellow wrasse. Then I began to notice that every morning, my mushrooms on the sandbed would be flipped out of position. Found out that the culprit is the yellow wrasse who likes to so sand diving, messing up my mushrooms. Do you have this problem with your wrasse messing up your zoos?
  19. Lemon is a girl or guy? I'm confused.

  20. Still interested in trading? I'm looking for red/orange mushrooms.
  21. Hey amby, I just read through the whole thread. Do you still have all those mushrooms from 2 years ago?
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