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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. Sometimes new pumps have a thin layer of lubricant to prevent the insides from rusting. Either that or there is grease leaking out from the parts... I suggest you give it a good clean (soak in vinegar?) and see how it goes.
  2. Just for information: There's a 3 hour documentary on the Great Barrier Reef on Okto channel next week. Its a 3 part series of 1 hr each. Okto Channel 14 Jan (Monday) 9PM 16 Jan (Wednesday) 9PM 18 Jan (Friday) 9PM
  3. Thought I could save it but the brown jelly started spreading again and I've dumped it...
  4. Sucked out the brown jelly crap.... left a bit of tissue. Dipped iodide for 10 mins. Still damn smelly.. can recover or gone case? Don't want to risk it infecting other corals.
  5. My torch has some brown stuff which I suspect its brown jelly disease. Can anyone confirm?
  6. I'm using thermal pad not paste, its something like blu-tack, and it doesn't stick well. I plan to drip a drop of superglue at the sides of each star plate.
  7. Update: Upgraded my lighting to 6x 3w DIY Led. Added more corals and 3 sps frags to try out. The tank is totally full now. Gotta offload some corals.
  8. I used thermal pads but they don't stick well. Are thermal paste stronger? Any additional screws used to secure the plate?
  9. How do you mount the bulbs on the aluminum plate? Did you use any thermal paste?
  10. The similarities of his new nick already gave himself away. What next, Justachild? There's a new game in the market called Monopoly Millionaire... too much playing of post XMas presents I assume.
  11. The aquazonic super bright led (whitebox) can't be compared to diy led imo.
  12. Yes it can be done. May I know what is the mA for each 10W bulb?
  13. Improper acclimatization... Did you use the drip method? they should also not be exposed to air.
  14. Here's a pic. White portion on the left is the skeleton. The head seems to have slid off from it.
  15. Update: The head started to detach again from the skeleton... I think really up lorry.... hai
  16. My single frogspawn had detached its tissue from the skeleton. I've superglued the tissue back to the skeleton in a last attempt to save it. Will it survive? Or should I throw it away as I don't want to risk it contaminating my tank.
  17. Dosing 3 drops of bottle A and B each for my 4g tank. Got an outbreak of dino recently. Will stop dosing for now. Thanks for the info.
  18. Anyone with test kits can do a test to see if there is an increase in NO3 and PO4 after dosing? I suspect it may be contributing to the PO4 in my tank. Just a thought.
  19. Plate coral have the ability to move and change its position. It can also get rid of sand grains that have been dropped on it. I ever witnessed my plate suddenly change its position and landed face down on a moon coral 2 inches away. Luckily I was there to intervene.
  20. If the wall were to collaspe, its like a dam bursting and flowing into his neighbours premises.
  21. If you notice in one of the pictures that his house is on an elevated height from his neighbour, perhaps that is the concern. If both neighbours are on the same elevation then I think it would not be much of an issue?
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