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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. As of today, the 'spreading' seems to have stopped. Did not notice any white hairy creatures after lights off. Have began to see some signs of recovery. Hope I'm not imaging things!
  2. Just did an iodide dip with tank water. Tiny specks of stuff fell off which are too tiny to tell if they were nudis or dirt. Will continue to monitor.
  3. Thanks for the comments guys, but does the affected area look like bite marks or problems with my water params? So that I can know which direction to look at to resolve the problem. Tried looking for flatworms just now while the tank is still dark but didnt spot anything.
  4. Thanks will do it tonight. Will a fw dip help to kill the aefw?
  5. Noticed my encrusting monti beginning to show signs of white patches. Anyone experienced this before? NO3 5PPM CAL 400-420 KH 11 Temp 26.5-27.5 Sal 1.026 Daily dripping of seachem kalkwasser. Is this due to unstable kh or pest attack? All other sps are doing ok and some have started to colour up. Have attached a pic.
  6. Skip the addictives... you wont need that if you keep up with regular water changes.
  7. Haha. I think you got the wrong guy.
  8. There is no difference which is the inlet or outlet. Just ensure that you secure the hose tightly to prevent leakage. Also take note to calibrate the chiller if necessary as the default factory temp had a 1'C difference from real temp.
  9. "In 2010 CDAC paid $4.3 million out of $10.8 million CPF collected to 71 staff" I don't think the dollar is used to help the less fortunate unlike what they want you to believe. Thanks thread starter for raising awareness. I will opting out and transferring the $1 to another charitable organization that deserves it better.
  10. More info. Definitely opting out after reading this. http://www.transitioning.org/2011/12/08/cdac-paid-4-3-million-out-of-10-8-million-cpf-collected-to-its-staff/
  11. I just don't like the feeling of being 'used' to donate something that I'm not fully aware of. You are right that $1 per month is not alot to give, but its the tactic used by the government that makes me feel cheated in my willingness to donate. Don't get me wrong. I do donate to other charitable organizations - but this was explained to me by my company HR which I was more than willing to donate. But going under the table to make us obligated to donate isn't the right way to do things. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels the same way too.
  12. Just stumbled on your thread. Yes I'm aware of this $1 CDAC contribution, but have no idea what the acronym stands for. Thanks for the info. Will be opting out.
  13. I believe the thread starter had the courtesy to nominate the FOWLR tank for TOTQ but he criticised the tank and shot the thread starter down by stating: "IMO keeping so many ocean fishes in a small 6ft tank is torture to the fishes." I don't see how this is not related to the thread since after all, this thread is about nominating the FOWLR tank itself. And by doing so, he is not showing respect to not only the thread starter, but the owner of the tank as well. I hope he will have the manhood enough to give an apology to those who were offended by his remarks, or at least give him the chance to explain the reason for stating such comments.
  14. Agreed. Some kids just like to say whatever they like without thinking if they are guilty themselves. "Kiang jiu ho mai kei kiang"
  15. Do you really think the next TOTQ will be a softies/NPS/LPS/FOWLR tank???
  16. Yes, no difference even with the sunon fan beside the fins to give extra cooling. The only things I modded were to upgrade both fans to a higher amp for more power, and added an extra intake fan behund to suck in air into the chiller. The config is like this now: intake fan/fin/fan/fin/fan -->exhaust fan. I also added an external fan to blow at my water surface to aid in cooling the tank faster. the fan will cut off when the chiller cuts off. Will take a pic later.
  17. Got one 1 pic of the inside. Comes with 2 internal fans to cool the fins and 1 exhaust fan. The stock setup is --> fin | fan | fin | fan --> exhaust fan and blowing in 1 direction. Thought the first fan blowing hot air into the second fin was inefficient and tried modding it by placing the fans blowing away from the cooling fins. No improvements at all, and also adding more fans proved insignificant.
  18. Sure no prob. Return: Ehiem compact 1000 - 23W Lights: Evo Green element Led 18W Wavemaker: Boyu WM-101 12W Skimmer: Boyu WG-308 6W Chiller pump: Boyu sp601 6W Total wattage = 65W This my wattage too high?
  19. I'm using this chiller. IME this chiller is more suitable for smaller tanks <40L despite it saying that it can support up to 60L. I've managed to cool it down to 26.5'C on my 55L. But it takes 1 hr to kick in, and 1 hr to cool the tank by 1'C.
  20. Looking for a refractometer. Anyone letting go please SMS me at 965 eight 0 4 1 1. Thanks.
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