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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. For me when I was using wrought iron stand last time, I first sand off the rusted areas, then sprayed 2 layers of anti rust paint, followed by 3 layers of normal paint (in my case black). Take note to cover the entire anti rust paint completely. I used a torch light to shine around the frame for any spots that I missed (anti rust paint was dark brown colour). You'll be surprised at how many missing spots you'll find no matter how much you spray without the use of the torch light.
  2. Hi tht79, very nice sps! Care to share your water params and what you are dosing?
  3. Use the 'fishing technique' as described by LittleBurger. It is known to work best for catching isopods.
  4. Daiso glue is alright for small frags. Just get the green one not blue.
  5. Daiso glue is alright for small frags. Just get the green one not blue.
  6. A cheaper alternative is to dose kalkwasser. But do look out for increased pH levels.
  7. Hi braincoral, it is possible to keep SPS without LR at all. You can refer to this thread, this reefer is keeping SPS without LR. Hope this will inspire you like I did. You really have to take a look. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1920386
  8. Thanks for the advice guys. Guess its all based on trial and error.
  9. I'm using API test kits. Planning to switch to Salifert when its finished as I read that API can be inaccurate. I'm keeping SPS only. One more qns guys, is the consumption of KH and CAL constant? How many days to wait to determine the tank consumption rate? I do not want to let the KH and CAL drop too low though.
  10. Just did a KH test. KH has dropped back down to 11. How do you guys get an accuate regime for testing the drop in KH and CAL?
  11. Guys, I have this problem with very high KH. KH: 13 CAL: 440 I am using Red Sea salt (normal type, not the pro) and tested the freshly mixed salt to be KH: 8 & CAL 380. Previously I was dripping kalk which explains the increase in KH & CAL, but I've since stopped dripping it for a week. The last I checked before doing a 10% water change, my KH was 11, CAL 400 I dosed Seachem Reef calcium hoping to lower the KH and increase my CAL. Two days later I tested again and my KH increased to 13, CAL was 440. Any idea what can contribute to the increase in KH? I'm stumped. Only other thing I dosed was RedSea Reef Energy A & B, and one tablet of bacteria (which I can't remember the brand). Hope anyone here can help.
  12. Hi ken, I'm interested to know if the green superglue works for you.
  13. Daiso has 2 types of superglue gel. Don't get the blue colour type. Its very watery and not effective at all. Get the green colour. I think you may have used the blue one.
  14. Pic update. Coral seems to be recovering well. White patches have started to colour up again.
  15. Sad to hear that bro, but please come back stronger. Your 2ft sps tank is an inspiration.
  16. Seems like your sps looks bleached. Could it be the lights?
  17. The coral seems to be recovering. Pic attached for records.
  18. I shared the info ard and 2 colleagues chose to opt out also. But heard from one colleague that if you opt out of it, you need to pay $24 additional of income tax per annum. Can someone confirm this?
  19. Daiso $2 superglue gel. Cheap and good. Use and throw away.
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