Dear Reefers,
I have the following equipments for sales. PM me if you are interested.
1. Hydor Koralia Nano wavemaker: $20 (only touch water once, bought from aquamarin, no more warranty)
2. Hydor Koralia 1 wavemaker: $15 (Used around 3years)
3. Redsea hangon Skimmer: $40 (Used around 2 years)
4. 1/10 Hp Artica Chiller: $200 (Used around 5years as far as i can remember)
5. Coral RX: $20 (Used a few time, 90% Full)
6. Refractometer: $15
7. TDS Meter: $10 (the one that comes with Crystal pro DI Unit)
8. Maxspect G1, 110W Lighting: $50 (condition 5/10)
Will free pH pen to those who purchase several items.