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Everything posted by wilsontantw

  1. bro... how's ur new tank coming along???? brand new? i'm also quite itchy now... wanna get a 4footer...
  2. haha... very imaginative! it's a flashing red light alright... but unfortunately not connected to my tank yet. I placed it there coz no place else to put... But wouldn't it be nice if it flashes when little boys/girls touch the tank??? Probably if i finally decide to splurge on an Aquatronica.... haha...
  3. oh yah... that blasto... picked it up from kim sotong... it's a left-over. has about 7 or 8 heads. quite a good buy actually. i placed it on the frag shelf coz found it is easier to feed it. it almost didn't make it as i neglected it for a few months. It was so 'skinny' until can see skeleton. now it's so much more fleshy and it's ready to be placed back to the main rocks. (when i find space for it). hahaha..
  4. hahaha... can can... but as u can see, some of my zoas are not doing very well due to the nudis... i just killed 3 today! Maybe my yellow wrasse not working hard enuff... probably too small, eats only the small baby nudis...
  5. just a quick b4 and after comparison... (coz i'm having this weird thought of upgrading to a 4 footer)... About... 18 months ago... Bare tank... standalone... Sump Today: 090609 After 2 major shifting of tank location + doing up a full carpentry work to house up the tank... (doors are removed for easy access during water change...)
  6. update for june.... coz today's date is ...... 090609... lotsa sixers and niners... FTS: 09 06 09
  7. havent been able to logon regularly due to bz work schedule... 4.40am coz just finished work. (yes! saturday had to return to office due to some urgent issues that cannot wait till monday) nite feed... yes! right after i posted...
  8. wow! impressive! saw this at Aquarama, but wasn't sure... now i'm convinced! do u mind sharing the damage to the wallet?
  9. sad to hear abt the fish... did you add any equipment, change food? or water change? sometimes it could be due to fluctuations of pH. or maybe the recently introduced fish is carrying some disease... just go slow bro...
  10. i faced the same problem as you. i used to run a beckett, it served me well. just like you, i needed the space and to reduce power, i went for a tunze DOC 9010. so far, it's been churning out quite a decent chunk of dirty stuff (been using it for about 3 weeks now). the one big challenge is that you may need to maintain a certain water level in your sump. else it will not skim well. also, i noticed everytime i dose the tank with food (e.g. cyclopeeze), the skimmer stops skimming (the pump still runs, but the skimming stops). After some time, it will restart skimming again! Or does all skimmer do that? haha..
  11. wooooo.... precious metal! can do. no worries, i'm still battling nudis.... so it's good that you're holding it too. haha. cheers!
  12. yong shun... dun forget our exchange ah... still waiting for you...
  13. bro... cannot be 8"x8" right? I remember it's a rectangular base, not square. 24x8x16?
  14. ah! i dun have 2nd chamber... so yes, i think need to add some rocks/chips to manage the kH. thanks for your advice bro! The KR is also used to lower my phosphate actually. i'll try to tune it again, and see how it goes. (of coz i still have ur number... )
  15. nice! love your rics... any plans of selling a couple of polyps?? btw: is your clam getting enuff light? it seems to be hidden in the shade now.
  16. hi bro solo. thanks for the reply. fortunately for me, the probe is in the CR (it's got no secondary chamber though). And the pH controller is set to turn on at 6.6 actually. and the strange thing is, the solenoid seems to turn on for just a few short seconds (like 3-5 secs) and it switches off. and it takes quite awhile (10mins) before it comes on again. i hope that's normal. btw: should i turn on the CO2 to kick in full blast? or go in drips? i've actually got myself a KR, just need to clear some space in the sump, it's fully packed now. and it seems like i need to get another pH meter now.
  17. Hi all, need some advice and help on tuning of CR and setting of pH controller... 1) Should i place the pH probe into the CR or sump?? (Or does it even make a difference) 2) What should i set the pH setting (i read on some forum should be about 6.7), however, some others say it should be 8.3? 3) Is it normal if the solenoid only opens for 10mins for every 3 or 4 hours?? And during other periods, there are No bubbles in the bubble counter? 4) Is it necessary to have 2 different pH probes?? 1 for pH controller and another for monitoring tank pH?? Hopefully the questions above makes sense... TIA.
  18. Sure thing bro. i've kept yours, lemon and raydiative.
  19. yah... like.... finalllllly. thanks, but i certainly dun mind if you have others to exchange or sale...
  20. we'll arrange again when u can lah.
  21. change the filter into a plastic sheet and slanted it so that water flows on both sides (though light only shines on one). but as it's clear plastic, the light should penetrate (i hope). Side View: Top View:
  22. After almost 4 months of using the scrubber! Finally got down to cleaning it... First created sometime in january And realised that due to the setup, some dirt got stuck on the glass panel... not good...
  23. courtesy of a friendly reefer! Thanks much! Finally got this... and it has already started to propogate. and another one... lucky find... bright orange skirt + face... very unstable though.
  24. yong shun... im pretty sure there're more new stuff than these?? found anything that we can xchange??
  25. hi there... pump is not yet sold, but i have toying with the idea of using the AB5000 to run another return. will try the setup next weekend. if my plan fails, will let you know. cheers
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