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Everything posted by wilsontantw

  1. wow bro... looks good man! think this is going to work for you!
  2. Dachkie bro... first up, thanks for helping buy the rics! Your kind gesture to help fellow reefers "chiong" the quality rics, is already a helpful act... cant possibly make you pay for such unfortunate losses. But i do understand your point about the stress of being 'black labelled'. If the people that you help to buy are understanding, then your effort has not gone to waste. However, if they don't appreciate, you know who have you been 'helping'. We can tell that you did your best to salvage and maintain the rics. So +1 for you! I agree with Jacky that we should attempt to collect on the same day of purchase. (Buyer also need to arrange for separate collection timing - quite siong too). Else, must absorb the risk of coral dying. In addition, as a suggestion, the next buyer can just take a shot of the coral after purchase? This could help partly to eliminate any guess work from those 'doubters'.
  3. Seems like Jacky would be the bes person to try this concept here. 2 tanks of 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 with different themes. Jacky: how? Inspired?
  4. the tank is absolutely amazing! Looking at the different variation of corals we have, i think it will make sense to have multiple nano tanks, each of different themes. All link back to a shared sump. Now, that's coooool.
  5. This SPS frag... opening up nicely. Is this a radioactive birdnest?? Monitoring its condition daily...
  6. Some items in frag station (some are in for ICU, some are in recovery mode, some are there to be shared...) Oh yes, ric again... this time - a BLEACHED one. Trying to revive it's colour (to be updated) A Paly that I call Brazil Frags... Other frags...
  7. i actually did... but they swam out (i didn't use a proper betta box, coz it takes up too much space and i dun have a QT.) anyway, new update... revived my mini frag station. did some minor mod, so that the frags stay within the station and doesn't fall over. reduces flow as well.
  8. yo ketchup... the thing about new fish in my tank... is that they will be bullied by the ABT and PT... Unfortunately for the bartletts, even the royal gamma and kole decided to be part of the 'bully party'. Well, i guess after 1 day of settling down, i found the other bartlett. So i now have 2 alive and 1 KIA.
  9. don't talk bad about me... i will know. btw: no RICola mountain. confirm there will not be a Ric mountain. im thinking of mushroom mountain and zoas mountain. Rics can be near the top placed near light (after acclimitised) -
  10. Wow. it'll be nice to chill at Cedric's... but only if he's free. Lets arrange via mail. For my tank, nothing overly spectacular actually... i actually need some help on detritus on Live Rocks. I keep having this problem... Not sure if it's due to overfeeding of pellets... changed to Mp40, helped, but can still see some rocks are 'accumulating' detritus.... Oh, doing up a SH tank will be cool... think your kids will love it! And your wife can dry those dead SH and make soup for you too! How about frogfish, lion fish or even peacock mantis? Power huh.
  11. nice gold rics! very hard to come by bro... good catch!
  12. hi jacky, very sad to hear abt the 'near-crash'... your nano has been a big inspiration to many nanos... if i was in ur shoes, i will kickstart the bigger frag tank soon. This tank can be used to house frags and new purchases. Whereas your current nano can be used as main display tank. If possible, you may connect both system to run together. (is that advisable? i'm not sure, some say good, coz bigger water volume - use same chiller - no drastic water parameter swing when transfering from frag to main) hope to see your new tank (and toys) soon.
  13. if i go, it'll be like 9am in the morning - doubt he's open. I can't confirm yet... depends on how i feel tomorrow when i get outta bed.
  14. hi does anyone knows if Reborn is open tonight?? or if they are already closed??
  15. Bro... kena activated liao! you on bo???
  16. Sigh... again, i think i just wasted some $$$ on some livestock... While waiting for Rics @ Iwarna, i got myself 3 bartletts... Very confident i could keep them alive, as i usually do not have issues with fish. Tried to put them into a basket (instead of betta box), and by this morning, all 3 were swimming in main tank. And by the time i'm home in the evening... only 1 is swimming in the tank. Saw 1 carcass (Cleaners shrimps having their $33 buffet). Can't find the other piece. Should have spent this money on rics instead! Instead of a ric update (which i have already done in my earlier posts) I'd like to udpate other corals... this time SPS. I know my tank has lotsa nitrate and phosphate problem... i think some of these SPS still can blossom. While i try to clean up the tank. big poo tangs are definitely going to be removed. (PT and ABT). Kole, i think i'll still keep, as it requires minimal feeding. Current SPS (ONLY 3 nia) 1) Monti plate - red. It was bleached when i got it as a gift from a fellow reefer. Grew to double its size, now colouring up, but some parts died during my 'non-maintenance' period. 2) Monti plate - bright green. Gift from Yong Shun. Thanks BRO! So far so good... colour maintaining well... only been 1 week, so can't tell it's growth yet. 3) RadioActive - hmm... dunno what. Gift from Cedric. KUM SIA BRO! So far it's opening up nicely... Looks exceptionally brilliant right smack in the middle of the tank! looking forward for it to grow grow grow... If anyone wants to contribute (beginners pieces pls) - i will be very appreciative! or can also exchange with some of my other softies... Apologies as there are no pictures so far of item 3. (have to take them tomorrow)
  17. Yes sir, you are absolutely right, i think especially for the new rock, i 'lost my bearings' during glueing... But fortunately for the old batch, i stick 2 per rock. That gives me the flexibility of moving them around. Hey thanks thanks, must let the newbies bloom, they are under stress still, apparently my glueing skills really suck! There're 2 pieces floating around. I have Philip's number, just wondering how much his rics and if it's worthwhile to drop by.
  18. don't anyhow anyhow ah... but some of these are pretty power! bi-coloured orange wor... oh didn't you dropped by ktizo?? i'm thinking of popping by tmr morning. Yes Ketch, you guys must really go and take a look, the greens are pretty POWER! will brighten up your tank anyday.
  19. Wow... i totally love a 3-sided partition tank. Tough challenge to do a decent rockscape, not to mention coral placements. I'm envy that both of you are into the same hobby. My wife totally doesnt support my hobby. The only reason why i still have the tank is becoz my 1yr old loves watching fish in the tank. Seems like you've got quite a lot of LPS alraedy... some doesn't seemed to be expanding fully... do monitor the parameters. Really wish i can set up a 4 or 5 footer. Thanks for the compliment, but frankly, i think my placement needs some improvement. As you can see, i made a mistake of not giving them enuff space to 'grow'. Btw, if both you and Ketchup pull 'resources' together, it's only a matter of time before you get half the tank filled with rics. (chiong shipment, or even buy an entire box??) Err... Justin my man... do you know that by saying this, a lot of people are offended. (me included). I'm never the king of rics, and i'm certainly not working towards that. I'm buying them lately, coz i realised that they put some vibrant and bright colours into the tank. Furthermore they are easy and propogate fast... So why not? FYI: desi & Ketchup do have some really nice rics.. if i may suggest, try to find some 'bright orange' ones... those are the ones that will stand out in the tank. the recent iwarna's are considered not very bright. The greens are pretty decent though.
  20. hey my boss is starting his first day on Monday. And so are you. Pls dun tell me ur going to be my new boss?!? Were u formerly from Amex??? Can't be this coincidental right??? Anyway sorry to hear abt the flame wrasse. I bought 3 bartlett yday as well. Seems like so far so good. Actually have been out since morning haven't monitor them. Hopefully still alive when I'm home. You interested in purple tang? Well established piece. btw: saw part of ur tank shots. Your rockscape seemed very interesting with very luminous green corals at the top. Show more tank pix? Btw: were both of u at iwarna during the rics sale yday?
  21. another victim of rics fever. Haha. Share some pix yeah.
  22. Ricordea Florida galore... waiting for the newbies to acclimitise soon...
  23. watching dvd leh... after that cant sleep. anyway, do u know what time is ktizo shipment?
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