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Everything posted by wilsontantw

  1. Here you go... http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=379
  2. Actually not... if u noticed the polyps extension is very bad... so I'm still wondering what's wrong... glad u like them and your zoas are slurp slurp too!! I think MH brings out the coloration.. For the camera, you can find out more about Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT3.. Will whatsapp you the price...
  3. Hey bro, ive never tested the bottled DI water before with a tds meter.. so cant advice on that. If its a small tank, why not visit iwarna, i think auntie sells DI water. Or just get a crystal pro... it works like a charm.. madpetz also have a DI unit.. quite affordable.. but RO/DI is a different ball game. So far, i think for me, DI is enough..
  4. Good to see reefers returning to the hobby! Welcome back. Indeed, technology has advanced for local reefing scene, and with it, comes the prices for equipment and live stock as well. A lot of LFS have also closed their shutters and chose not to lift them up anymore. Reborn is, sadly, the most recent one. Let's hope more reefers return to the scene and start sharing more often (setup/knowledge) so that the forum can progress even further!
  5. Hope you like the pictures, join us, at the dark side... soon!
  6. These occupy the top left mountain... under direct 250W MH (2hrs daily) - observation shows that their colouration are indeed more striking than the rest. metallic blue polyp digi radioactive birdnest - my virgin SPS - restarting from a small 1" frag. Pink something. Got from the Clinic around last Christmas... Starting to encrust... Interesting note: the chilli pepper (bottom right), was a surprise find! It is growing out from a dead Chilli Pepper colony skeleton which RTN previously when salinity went out of whack. This guy is obviously a survivor! Life, will indeed, find a way!!! I'm thinking this is sunset millie, the pink coralite is simply stunning! Smaller than fingernail size. Group - Front view: Group - Top view:
  7. Continued from previous page, some pieces which i had difficulty capturing their shape/colours. This camera kinda helped a lot! Best part is, don't have to switch off any pumps/wavemakers at all! lousy at IDs, just love collecting them... and watching them grow is extremely satisfying!
  8. Since I'm still on leave, decided to try out a new camera that i bought for a recent family trip. Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT3 Seems like it's quite a fun camera, though the blues are still not easy to capture. Will let the picture do the talking. First up... various Monti in Full... still looking for more... i know i'm hunting for the purple monti!
  9. Indeed the scaping shows the vastness of the tank! Like! once they grow out, it'll be an impressive sight to behold!
  10. Cool, hope this works for ya... Co's I understand the air can be really hot and if it stays in the cabinet, the compressor is basically reusing the hot air.. 1) shorter lifespan of chiller. 2) your other equipment may be affected. 3) higher evaporation due to hot air in sump. Just thoughts only, chiller may not kick in often, as u r not using MH. Should be acceptable. BTW, brand new compressor? I'm also using the HY 7000. Super efficient pump. The flow is simply amazing with minimum heat generated! Look forward to ur updates...
  11. Hi bro, good questions.. just sharing what I've experienced, may not be totally by the book.. so do try it out and see if it works for you. I'll answer question 2 first. Freshly mixed salt mix is very raw. For those LR that are very established, I see pods floating out. For the new ones just bought, crabs floated out when I put the rocks into the tank. So on your question, what's the appropriate time? I'm not quite sure, as I eventually emptied a few hundred litres of saltmix and ordered nsw. Question 1, u r right, cycling is to ensure sufficient beneficial bacteria grows within our tank.. thus if u use saltmix, dont bother about skimming. However if u use nsw, skimming is highly recommended as shown in my earlier picture that you re-attached. Question 3, I did the short-cut way. not recommended for newbies, as I transferred water, live rocks and corals from my existing tanks over into this new system. As a result, I didn't spend much time cycling. It's pretty much all systems go within 3days.. water and rocks were transferred in 2 days. Corals took me over 2-3weeks to complete. New nsw was mixed into my holding tanks to ensure fishes and corals do not get a shock.. With the above, I had minimal or almost no diatom outbreak so far... *fingers crossed* HTH
  12. Nice! Good idea to go with 2.5' width.. a lot of rocks to place sps.. presume u r going with sps, looking at the dosing pump... Even better idea on the betta area! Like! Best idea is to make it removable!! Double like! few questions: - why place the compressor in cabinet and not outside for better ventilation? - it seems like ur sump water level is just a few inch from the rim, have u done the "power trip" test to ensure it wouldn't overflow? - what pumps r u using as returns and how many mp40 are u using? (Saw 2 in the pic..) Do keep the updates and pictures coming... Btw what skimmer is that?
  13. Very nice scape with lots of height variation... This scape shows the huge space of your tank. Will require some imagine how the FTS looks like.
  14. Beautiful stunning blue polyps! hwee, we both didnt win.
  15. Haha.. see, this is the most essential, yet almost always forgotten.
  16. Sunny how many u need? I may have spares as its almost done for mine. May have 1 or 2 left over. James: good service huh..
  17. I got the 50x50, 1m length. Still have another 1m unused. Oh, the delivery is FREE and it's COD. This is how the package looks: Btw, the site is supposed B2B site. But do try your luck or perhaps get a LFS to help with your order.
  18. Hi Eric, ideal parameters can be found if u do a quick search in the forum. To save u time.. Basic: Ammonia, nitrite should be zero. Nitrate and phosphate minimal or zero. If u keeping LPS and SPS: kh: 8-10 Ph: 8.2-8.5 ca: 450 mg: 1200-1400 Test kits or monitors will be essential to monitor these parameters. HTH and happy reefing.
  19. I think it's the same.. do contact your installer for instructions to view .5 degrees. It's quite complicated and the manual doesn't help. I forgot what my installer did.
  20. Thanks for the credit mention.. Just fyi, this device does not have .1 difference. What you see on the pix is the temp monitor reading. Temp setting is .5 degree. Hope this helps.
  21. may TWENTY TWELVE be a prosperous year for all.. and your tanks too!

    1. Jameshong


      Time to revamp...LOL!

    2. wilsontantw


      Cool. Show before and after shots k?

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