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Everything posted by wilsontantw

  1. Hi... the magnetic frag station is exactly something I'm looking for! is this available locally and can share how much it cost? thanks...
  2. Nice new toy bro. Can pm me for the price for 2 units?
  3. Wah.... you didn't show me this yday when u dropped by!!!! 赞!!
  4. Hey Ig, thanks for dropping by... Indeed monti and RA BN are great appetizers for sps keeping. Sps, though tougher to keep as compared to lps and softies... are most rewarding as they grow well when the conditions are right. You can actually see the growth, e.g. within 2 months, u can see some sps changing them shape.
  5. Last "before/after" shot... Note: colouration has some difference due to taken under different lighting condition. Before: 4xT5, After 250W MH @ 20kk bulb and 4xT5) Trying hard to keep this monti growing, wishing it will be my centerpiece soon. JAN 2012 MAR 2012
  6. The "GROUP DIGI" shot... Digitatas are indeed one of the easier SPS to try... however, they do have their temperaments... Core parameters (e.g. Ca/Kh/Mg/Salinity/po4) should be in check before embarking on them. JAN 2012 MAR 2012
  7. Purple Digi - ultra deep purple colouration and once stable, grows fast... Similarly, the baby frag of tri-colour valida is also growing out. Bad mistake though, placed them too close to each other. JAN 2012 MAR 2012
  8. The ever-popular Yellow-Birdnest... fast grower. Frags are always available... PM if you are looking for these... JAN 2012 MAR 2012
  9. Another beautiful piece, it's placed it a slightly shaded area, but the red/pink colours are slowly coming out... am happy with the growth rate. JAN 2012 MAR 2012
  10. Took the underwater camera for a dive yesterday,,, and thought it'll be fun to do some 'before' and 'after' shots... 2 months growth progress, Jan 2012 vs Mar 2012 JAN 2012 MAR 2012 This tri-colour valida is an extremely aggressive piece. It will run over almost anything to grow. Once stabilised, it is a gem to behold.
  11. Ooooo... 10/10!!! Simply stunning colours.
  12. Agree.. a new and bigger tank pls... there are more fish here than my five footer. Lol.
  13. U must be the record holder for most fish in a 2' cube... But all healthy fish!!! Well done bro.. How about a FTS??
  14. Awesome!!!! How did you treat the colour of the background to B&W?
  15. Sunny, tried to Pm you, but don't know why it doesn't work. I can recommend u my tank maker... but becoz he's not a sponsor here, I'm not sure if it's appropriate to post his contact.. If you can, pm me, or if u still have my number, xxxx1111, drop me a SMS/whatsapp. Hi jimmipaige, thanks for your kind compliments... yeah, there's surely some real investment of time and money. The rewards are well worth it!
  16. May need to do some "housekeeping"
  17. The under flow is there, I didn't really take a good picture of it. It still siphons out detritus, so far, no clogging issues yet. Will keep on monitoring.
  18. Yongshun: my tank is still in infancy stage. Cannot be a TOTQ. else anyone who has deep pockets can just setup, buy and win. Haha... probably minimum 1 year before it can be considered as TOTQ qualifier? hehe. Sunny bro... definitely more than happy to help you bro! Cannot forget how u helped me 4 years ago. Let me know how I can do that when u r ready. Cheers.
  19. kh dropped to 6.7.

    1. yellowtang


      now i dont bother to check. Just dose to increase kh twice a week, even though using cr.Even that, cant achieve 8. Happy with 7.5 constant.

    2. wilsontantw


      Didn't checked for 2 months. On top of that changed source of sodium bicarbonate. Bad move. Lost 2 monti colonies. paid the price for laziness.

  20. Hi Ryan, glad u found the thread! The planning part has loads to think about. Had a tough but fun time. though I must say the best part is shopping! I am a shopaholic! that's probably why I wished it's a 6ix instead. Btw, hope you find the tank useful....
  21. Hi Ryan, glad u found the thread! The planning part has loads to think about. Had a tough but fun time. though I must say the best part is shopping! I am a shopaholic! that's probably why I wished it's a 6ix instead. Btw, hope you find the tank useful....
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