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Everything posted by wilsontantw

  1. pH 7 okie right? tonight, i'll go buy some kalkwasser liao and DIY a kalkwasser drip (realised, cant always depend on iwarna top-up, too ex!)... Maybe i'll use it in the water reservoir with auto-top up. But hor, i remember previously got this round blue tub... nowadays i cant find it anymore. Any good brands to recommend?
  2. Thanks sunny... i thot must keep at 7... On the other hand, my magnesium level is below 6000 (if my memory serves me right). That's also very low right? (thot it should be around 1000 or so). Just remembered you pass me a bottle of magnesium, must i use it with some equipment??
  3. Ah... never really had them in the tank so far (thank goodness)... once they appear, the killer tongs will come! Btw, anyone has any idea how i can catch the Bloody Irritating Territorial Candy Hog wrasse? I recently bought a leopard wrasse, (very nice specimen), it's been trying to come out to the Arena to eat, but everytime he's there, that BITCH wrasse just chase it all over... (really maciam a dog-fight in the arena) I'm seriously fedup with that, and have decided to give this candy hog FOC! But before that, i'll need to T-Loan a good bettabox, those with both sides slider type... and try to lure that BITCH in! Anyone can t-loan???
  4. Terms of sales: This is not a FCFS sale, i reserve all rights to sell to any potential buyer... regards wilson
  5. Today, the algae problem seemed to improve a lot. So decided to spend some time to do a full scale test (based on whatever test kits that i have)... PO4: 0.03ppm (Salifert) - Hahahaha... the new pump for FR is working well! Phosphate finally under control liao! NO3: 5mg/L (Tropic Marin) - Is it the algae blenny? Turbo snails? or blue-leg hermit working hard?? Ca: 410ppm (Salifert) - Wah, can dose can dose!!! Kalkwasser, here i commmmmmmmme. KH: 7.7dKH (Salifert) - Time to dose Part B to balance it to 7? Alk: 2.75meq/L (Salifert) - Same as above lor.... No chance to measure PH, coz dun have PH meter... Should be okie right? Will try even harder to drop NO3 and PO4 to negligible....
  6. Hi there, simi is Nudis ah? (got pic reference not?) So far, there zoas are doing fine... in fact, the light pink zoas wasn't doing well when i first bought, but when i brought home, it open much nicer than at LFS. Actually not a lot of zoas leh... only 4 rocks of zoas...
  7. Have a H&S 110-F1000IA for sale. Note: i'm selling just the skimmer without the NW pump, coz when i bought it from a fellow reefer, that chap gave me a normal pump instead! So i will not pull the same stunt on the next buyer... (i've used for 3 days only) - even comes with the skimmer box!!! Guarantee good working condition! It works even with a normal impeller pump (with some slight modification to the pump inlet). Works best with NW pump. Skimmer Spec As i'm intending to buy over a beckett from my friend, i'm planning to sell off this H&S (it's been sitting around doing nothing for 2 months), to raise some cash... Asking price: $150 only. Tip: you can buy a brand new Aquabee 2000i NW pump from Sealife, (last checked $250). but the recommended pump for this skimmer is only a Aquabee 1000, so it'll be a lot lower than that. Collection: Bedok Reservoir Road (evening only) - either by this Friday or after 13 March (coz i'll be travelling) I'll be a nicer person to allow you to test during the period while i'm travelling. If you dun like it or face any problems, i'll do a full refund. Only if the condition remains the same. p/s: Those who try to pull a stunt like swopping skimmer will be publicly exposed! PM me if you need more details...
  8. I want SPS frags!!! (when nitrate level is under control...) hehehe...
  9. I encountered a similar problem previously, when i tried to run a skimmer with normal impeller pump when actually it needs a NW pump. Is that the same problem as your friend's? wilson
  10. Can this control other PH besides tunze? (e.g. Hydor Koralia K2?) Got include the photocell bo?
  11. Simi?? Sorb4 <> bak chor leh! Let me try first lah... dun wanna sell, coz sure lugi money! maybe it's the FR that im using aint good.
  12. So what's going to happen to the rest of my brand new BIG bottle of Sorb4?? BIG bottle wor! Really must trial and error, either upgrade a bigger FR or change to Rowa... haiya, now no time to think of this liao... this morning woke up at 5am for photoshoot... just got back to office... super stoned now...
  13. hey bgrking... (burgerking? or boy-girl-relationship king?) haha no offence ah, just kidding onli... Thanks for ur compliments, i'm still struggling with phosphate and nitrate problem... sigh... (it's a classic case of loading too much, too soon). So for the time being, NO MORE additions, until i control both of the above. Saw you looking for tank mover recently... How's ur tank coming along?
  14. Hahaha... that's the spirit man! Hope to see your tank soon!
  15. actually i dun recommend that... it's at the base of the tank where the pressure is greatest. Any flaw, the weight of a 4x2x2.5 plus rock/sand/water, is going to exploit that... before you know it, small crack = big disaster... Why risk it? Learn from your lesson... get a new tank, it shouldn't cost you an arm or a leg.
  16. you got enough foam from the skimmate liao...
  17. I can understand your frustration + regrets... I've been thru it about 4-5 years ago. But mine was not as bad, coz the tank i got was FOC (4-footer). At that time, financial-power wasn't too good, had to collect the tank with a friend... So 2 'supposedly strong men', went to collect a 4-footer... Just like your 'movers', we're not experts, end up crack one end of the tank, and my friend had a deep cut on his fingers as we didn't realise we accidently crack it. So, tank threw away (since its FOC), send my friend to see a doc at 24hrs clinic (coz it's past midnight), paid $80 to 'glue' up this cut, paid for the lorry rental... and what do i get? Nothing! Anyway, that's me... For your case, i would strongly urge you to either change the glass (and wait for the silicon to be fully dry) before you start the running of the tank... this could take awhile... Or, just dump this thing, and build a new tank (based on the current cabinet specs). Don't even think of 'trying'... I've got a friend's whose tank 'gave way', luckily he spotted it in time, thus, prevent a major flood... But still it was bad, imagine the mess... if it start leaking at night, or when no one's at home... you'll be cursing and swearing even more! This time you don't just lose the tank, you'll lose your flooring + any furniture that's wood-based or with metallic legs. Not that it's not good to be el-cheapo... me too, i hunt for good deals here... but must pay due care when it comes to marine... else, you'll feel that the 'cons' are more than the 'pros'.
  18. Hehe... thought that piece would be something you're looking for, and it's really very worth it... good price! I would have bought it as 'energy-saver' but it's a 3ft... Im still trying to write my 'maintenance manual'... boring sia!
  19. I'm using a waste collector now, and to be very frank with you, besides looking neat and nice, there's no other benefit. Mine comes free with it. Surely will not pay for this. Actually there is one... it'll automatically stop the skimmer once the waste collector is full. The liquid in the collector will push the ping pong ball higher up. Once full, it'll block the air flow and skimming stops... however, due to air build-up within the skimmer, it'll tilt/ float up. So technically, it doesn't really help much. Besides, how long does it take to fill up the entire collector?? 1 month??? I can bet you will cannot tahan after 2 weeks! Actually, a normal vodka bottle will do... it's clear, easier to see... then again, how to do wash the insides of the bottle?? it is dirty and stinko sia!
  20. Thanks bro! will heed your advice, enough stuff for now... So next steps... 1) Ensure all LS thrives (so far, all LPS and softies are doing fine after some shifting to suit their requirements). 2) Coraline growth, too much brown LR, need to start to boost the Calcium level... CR will be activated once i get by my holidays. 3) Denitrator, been on the lookout for one... just need to find a suitable price one.
  21. Some new addition this week... Cup coral from fellow reefer If you look closer, two of the heads are kissing, coz i feed it some diced prawn meat earlier. Orange shrooms from ah beng Pinkies from iwarna Zoa 'r' us Mini plate (foc from a friend) Green yuma with orange mouth FTS - 25 Feb 2008 The seafan is now in NSW tank... need to spend some time to glue it's base to a rock, it kept float away when the 'waves' come.
  22. Sigh... next be very careful with all pipings... one wrong move, and you'll spend hours cleaning up.. Hopefully the cabinet stand wun rot or my laminate flooring wun pop! Else, a lot more headache and $$$... Water stain Decided to re-pipe the FR pump! This thing better hold while im away! (will keep monitoring it for the next 5 days before i fly). The new sump, much neater - auto-top-up is out of tank now (by the side) - front of sump has more space for other stuff.
  23. Thanks for the offer bro, i but i think must wait till 13/14 march liao... schedule for the week all packed! Just half an hour ago, i tried to make my sump neater, so my bro-in-law, who's helping me with the maintenace, will have an easy time... Guess what, was shifting my FR and suddenly the FR pipe connected to the pump came loose! wah... water fountain sia!!! for a moment, didnt know what to do... water splashed for a good 5 secs! TMD, i had a good saltwater face-wash, and the water leaked all the way to the floor.. HK liao i tell you... hopefully that's all, no leak in the sump... now keeping my fingers+toes cross! More tank updates coming tonght... Watch this space!
  24. Wah... the skimmate looks good man! eh, what're those kent marine bottles you have there?
  25. Do water change ah! went to buy 25l of water and change... But today never buy coral, today buy 2 fish + 2 turbo snails... 1 x purple fire fish (a mate for my existing purple fire fish) 1 x algae blenny (that guy works very hard wor) 2 x turbo snails (they work hard too) think a denitrator will be the next in line... only left 6 days to prepare, dun think i'll do much... Must start to prepare my 'handover' report liao... found 2 persons to help manage my tank while im gone for the 12 days. Where the skimmate! show me the MUD!!!
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