Alternatively, you can mix the lenses. Those that are at the edge (in-between modules), you can use 100o lenses, and the rest, 70o lenses. The good thing about it is you can configure it till you are satisfied on the coverage.
Nice upgrade, bro! Since your T5s are already quite low in your previous setup, the current height for the LEDs should be fine. Go for the 100 deg lenses for the spread till you want a more focus beam.
This is a rather slow tank thread, as I was busy meddling with my home tank on top of reservist training and traveling overseas. I'm very grateful to my colleagues who helped me take care of my tank while I was away. Hope to start adding some corals soon to put some colour into the tank. Cheers!
I can't remember if I've mentioned it or not, but I did get another Yashia to pair up with my existing one some time back, so here are some photos of the trio.
The snail was swiftly knocked off its "feet" when it came too close to their den. It was a lol moment...
Well, I guess some updates are long overdue, so here are some photos of the fishes that I have added some time back.
I can't seem to find the Gessingeri now, so I hope it is still alive but hiding.
Lemon, perhaps you can share your experiences to the Aquarama organizers and see if they can include some of the stuff you've seen in their exhibition? A frag swap among reefers in Aquarama would be nice too.
The rain is really unpredictable. It can rain stop rain stop for up to three times in a single day. Was planning to cycle to CF but woke up this morning with a heavy downpour.
Probably got a quote from the LFS at $XXX, post here to sell at $XXXX and check for potential buyers, once confirmed, can even deliver to doorstep => profit.
Oh crap... if I knew they had Helfriches there at such prices, I would have demanded to make a trip there. We wasted a lot of time on useless shopping at Macy's...
Bro, you flew all the way there without a proper camera? Unbelievable... you could have captured the moments!
Haha... I added a couple of new fishes, just lazy to post pics. No corals yet. Have been busy with tank transfer at home, plus reservist training and overseas trip, so limited time to spend on the office tank. This sand dollar didn't make it after I added a new one. It was probably out-competed for food I guess... its after all a very small tank.