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Everything posted by peacemaker

  1. You dunno what I have underneath the sandbed...
  2. I bought the Easter Island statue while I was overseas. I dun think I have ever seen it locally.
  3. As above. The icon right on top of our avatars seem to block the message notification. Whenever I want to click on the message, I will accidentally click on the icon link. Possible to shift it somewhere else?
  4. The belly of my helfrichi goby has sunken in in-spite of feeding. How should I resolve this?

    1. yikai


      most likely internal parasites. very common in deepwater species. praziquantel works wonders.

  5. Well... it really depends on how well your reef does with these wave makers. Some reefers are able to achieve good results with normal brands. The above mentioned brands are reputed to be effective and reliable, hence the price tag. Hydor Koralia is pretty good with a slightly lower pricing.
  6. Indeed. I recall there was a case of taking whatever was needed and dumping the tank at the void deck or something.
  7. Algae outbreak again... in spite of reduced feeding, skimmer upgrade, ROWA, water changes... sigh... this is pushing me to throw in the towel.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TayHongSiang


      recomm...i believe yr live rocks cd be leaking po4. Sounds like new tank syndrome. keep doing wc.

    3. peacemaker


      Yup, my water is made from RO/DI. Will continue with water changes and see how it goes. Jeremy did trigger a thought though... I still have an algae scrubber hanging around.

  8. Cute! Just a word of caution though... you need to get more turnover for this house. If you have noticed, they like to store food in the burrow, so it might cause an ammonia spike if the flow is insufficient.
  9. Ah beng's should have a steady supply of them. You should be looking out for nassarius snails.
  10. Just when I've cleaned the glass, the love birds had to lay eggs all over the front glass...

  11. Wow... let it grow for a couple of months and TOTQ is on its way!
  12. Very innovative! The green way of making waves.
  13. Yup. Singnet uses random IP addresses every time you refresh a page or move to another. NanoReef blocks plenty of IP addresses from Singapore due to violations on their website, so you never know when Singnet will switch your IP address to a banned one, hence the error msg. Either you surf its website through a proxy server, or you can consider switching ISP.
  14. I can't really tell from the photos, but is that a piece of styrofoam at the base of the tank? How thick is it? It is supposed to help compensate slight imbalances. If your stand is warped, then there is a possibility the tank cracked under pressure due to the imbalance. Glass thickness, age of use, and method of transport are some factors that may contribute to the conditions of the tank.
  15. Have you seen the Mazzarra LED modules (aka Maxspect G3)? IMO, colours look better. However, spread and penetration will depend on which series (P or S) you get. Give a buzz to Dr Evil (DE Lightings) for more information.
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