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Everything posted by peacemaker

  1. Thank you so much Bros Flame-Tail, MarCal & Solo77! Appreciate all the info and advice! If you guys ever see someone riding a simple, yellow-grey mountain bike to Pasir Ris farm, its me.
  2. Woohoo! Another office tank! Grats on the approval from your bosses. But you know... they might start to get really curious about the hobby, sign up as a member of this forum, and alas! Stumble onto this tank thread...
  3. I might be able to find my bike there... LOL.
  4. Solid lah you, bro Solo! Can call you lobang king liao... I'll let you know if I plan to get one. Not my top priority atm. Any lobang for roller blades...? My friend wants to get a pair...
  5. Sigh... the red zoas that I bought from a LFS kinda ruined things for me. The rest of my zoas have never been the same. I just did the Lugol's dip on all my zoas today. Found some creatures amongst them... looks like a sundial snail to me. I hope they will all recover.
  6. Roxy 1 or 2? What's the price range for this place? I'm looking for a semi-decent mountain bike just for casual cycling.
  7. How thick is the glass for both tanks and where's the viewing place?
  8. 12 bottles a box. Its $0.50 a bottle, but $4.50 for a dozen.
  9. Hahaha... I experienced the same thing before. Now my remaining snail is dodging the 2 hermits the best he can. Need to get empty shells for them soon.
  10. Dang... just when I thought of switching...
  11. I think these are 2 different types of water. "DI" can either mean "distilled" or "deionized" water. You can get bottled distilled water in any supermarket or supplier, and deionized water from RO / DI units like Crystal Pro. I personally use Alpheus distilled water. Works for me. Usually buy in dozens of 1.5 litre bottles. Sheng Shiong supermarket sells $4.50 per box.
  12. My china operator called my Koralia Nano, an electric fan...
  13. Beautiful pratas... you can be officially named the "Prata queen"!
  14. Time to show us more pics of your tank!
  15. This was taken from AM's forum. However, since you're planning to keep SPS, I'm not sure if this is sufficient.
  16. That's what I thought... if I ever use an ice probe I'd probably mod it with a hang-on filter.
  17. I should think so, or at least I've seen them in my tank.
  18. I'm using a nano and the flow is barely sufficient for my 1.5 ft tank. K1 will be better.
  19. Is your water surface very still? I've seen shells floating around in my tank before, but it usually gets blown around till its filtered off or settled down somewhere.
  20. How's the temperature with Ice probe and lights on? Did you drill a hole through to fit it in? Will there be any issues if you need to change it out for maintenance or replacement?
  21. Welcome aboard the office tank reefers! Pics!
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