Do daily water change if you cant get out the dead anemone out. If you tank is big, purchase NSW for the daily water change. Dose bacteria. It's clear is use to control microalgae and bacteria bloom which cause the 'cloudy'. It doesn't solve your ammonia spike problem.
Decom from my 2ft cube set, so you need to DIY it to mount it on the box or something. With 3 x 24w T5 light. Additional 3 more t5 24w tube to give. Uses for 3months only the tubes.
Any interested contact me at 94five5784five.
Common clown was already when I went around 2pm. New shipment came at 5pm, went again at 5plus saw more clown, foxface, damsel, seaslug. Not sure got what coral, they haven't unpacked. Going again tomorrow to see the shipment.
Iwarna ultra filtered seawater only $4 / 10L. Yours is way too expensive, I rather mix my own saltwater. Personally prefer to cycle tank with NSW then convert to saltwater as you do water change.
It depends how big is your tank. It would be easy to repair because I assume you have livestock inside. Keep a look out at the pasar malam section, you can get great deal from reefer decomming or upgrade.