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  1. does the chillers belongs to you kevin? or are u selling on behalf of someone else?
  2. anyone wants to buy chiller let me know so that we can share...
  3. how many years has it been around? any defects?
  4. hi are the equiments owned by you? how much is the chiller?
  5. anyone has tubo snails or similar for reef cleaner? thanks
  6. i have bought some LR and found a small black shape with a whitish thin layer on it. Its not moving but looks to me like something is growing anyone has any idea what could be the potential thing inside? thanks.
  7. hi bro what is the price of them in the market ? are they difficult to keep? thanks.
  8. anyone selling items above let me know, thanks.
  9. another question is that do we need to maintain them? ie any food for them?
  10. i see how much is the sand dollars? Any potential risks rearing those cleaners, or any contraints they pose? Any recommended LFS in the east selling them? thanks.
  11. Hi what are the most preferred 'fishes' to : 1) Clean the glass wall 2) Clean the thin sand bed Where are can those be found? Anyone selling do let me know thanks.
  12. hi still looking for lighting as well as live rocks. thanks.
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