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Everything posted by freewill

  1. hehe... well... i agree... girls will never say check out his pr*ck... however, they do say... check out his nice b*m... (speaking from experience!) btw: squeeze them not i say one leh.. (wrong target - im innocent...) i merely said "spot light too glaring".... (which is true mah!)
  2. hahaha... guess its the start of the gender war again... eh but honestly... when girls stare at hunky guys at the beach(those tanned with 6-packed)... or beckham type of models... they also go 'wah...." *slurp* *slurp* ain't it???
  3. wah piang... headache... too much glare... Spot Light t@@ big...
  4. Updated: 28 Jan 04 comments are welcomed... shots not very clear... hope to get some suggestions to improve... :: Main Tank shot :: Somehow color doesn't come out too good... probably due to actinic not turn on. :: Main Tank shot2 :: :: Left Side :: :: Right Side :: :: Seahorse in my Sump, in process of creating a SH tank ::
  5. hi there... interested in your OSRAM e-ballast. (i assume its abt the same life-span as your deltec tubes?) if not sold, can i reserve till CNY over? will collect from you. I've DIYed one set of T5, planning to do up 1 more! Appreciate if you could let go to me. I only need the ballast, as I've bought a set of endcaps from a fellow reefer here already. btw: juz curious, the deltec T5, its aquablue... how issit compared to the ATIs? Im currently using Aquablue special (ATI). If comparable, i can consider it. Best if can view it working... Anyway, still interested in the OSRAM. **SHUCKS** - POST EDIT... just realised that the OSRAM is for 3ft one... paiseh... sorry...
  6. if going by queue length, Lim Chee Guan, beats All other competitors hands down! Try queueing... even trying to find the last person in the queue is a challenge. but in true honesty, it is really that good! try it, wun regret it. (except the queueing part).
  7. haha.. nice hor... its a simply fascinating creature! and when you see them feed... lagi more fantastic!
  8. just wondering... 1) why didn't your friend reject the tank when he/she saw the bubbles in the silicon? if its that obvious, im sure someone would have noticed it. 2) When you saw the scratch, did your friend call you/him to sort things out? 3) did you call tank_maker to clarify things before posting? ive got no relationship with anyone here, just kapo-ing only... no offence hor... (just wondering only)
  9. Hi Ive got some basic qns abt reef keeping. hope to get some advice... 1) can i remove some mushrooms from their existing rock and plant them onto other rocks of my choice? If yes, is there any special techniques that i need to deploy? and how do i re-attach them? 2) i realise some buttons detach themselves from the rock i bought, and stick themselves onto other LRs, is this normal? Can i also use the above method de-attach and re-attach method for buttons? 3) I heard abt fragging of mushrooms, is there anywhere i can read more abt this? thanks in advance...
  10. Ermmm, i need to check on the size man cos i dun have it now. Anyway, its not the samll ones like Dymax. Made in Japan by the way:)
  11. Update: 2 Jan 04 Added new mushies and softies... only actinic is on when taking photo, thus poor lighting condition. will get some better lighting next time...
  12. just wondering, what is the market rate for these?
  13. hi there... to buy T5 tubes + holders, you can buy online from eAquaNature (one of the forum sponsors). think total cost $250 +/- (i can't remember the exact pricing) i previously posted a price comparison between DIY and buying from EAN, you can try searching for it... if you wanna buy from shop, WaterCircle sells them. Im not sure, but i thot i saw it at ocean planet as well... hope it helps... oh, and i think someone here helps pple to DIY T5 as well. btw: T5 normally doesn't come in complete enclosure, i guess you may have to DIY for that... (i may be wrong).
  14. quite true... its always btwn the 2 insurance company... however, if the both have the same company? it saves a lot of trouble(unnecessary argument) when the guy admits its his fault... i recently renewed my insurance (ntuc), and they gave me this booklet which allows one to note down some particulars and details after accident... thought is very helpful. used to keep a disposable camera in the car... thanks to recent invention of camera phones... keke there's no more need for that...
  15. had prev experience of being hit from behind also. 1) do remember to ask the mechanic to check your engine mounting. Previously, my engine mounting cracked! 2) if he had admitted full responsibility, then let your insurance guy settle with him. (it must be FULL responsibility from him). then your future premiums will not increase. 3) just a suggestion, you can 'dig' a big hole in his pocket... by threatening to call police (if you are sure he is drink+drive case) or settle for a bigger sum of money. But i dun recommend this lah... coz D+D case is no joke... suspension + jail... keke
  16. eh ervine bro... looks damn SOLID sia! should have really waited and do this together with you! nice job! maybe can turn this into small business liao hor... hahaha
  17. personal opinion: damsels look nicer than chromis, but nevermind lah... chromis are quite hardy also... but then again, you must make sure the tank is properly cycled lah...
  18. you can also try green chromis. These fish eat frozen brine/mysis shrimps easily... however, dun put too many in... just 2-3 will do just fine (for 2' tank) They are not territorial, thus adding other fish in future pose no big risk.
  19. hey bro... thanks man, i actually did several layers of coating (epoxy varnish) on the WI.. oh yes, i forgot to ask you whether you know where i can buy the 1/2" planks? im planning to do up the cabinets by this weekend... (most probably re-doing my hood at the same time as well...) now got experience, can do a better job... thanks a lot.
  20. the dimensions are at home... the pipe holes are as below: flow down: 25mm return pipe: 16mm total area allocated for the holes: 7" x 5.5" (this one is to be confirmed...) you will need to cut a slightly bigger one thru the styrofoam/wooden plank (if you are using one) will let you know tomorrow, once i go back and measure... (probably take some pix for you for clearer reference)
  21. i thot of getting more LR, but was wondering if i should reserve some space for other coral (that comes with LR)?? to create more swimming space for the fish also... As for egg crates, i would love to do that... but im lost as to how to get it up and running, i mean, wouldn't the pvc pipes and the eggcrates be seen? (i can't visualise how it works) To Bro Ah Siao: yes, skimmer is in the progress, should be getting the 2011 or 2012... but seems like my sump got not enough space for that... coz i cater too much space for the refugium liao... (need to do some rethinking) btw: the flame is not going to be so soon, at least a good 1 month or 2 even... thanks for your suggestions... most prob will rethink of the rescaping and try out the eggcrate method (if i ever get to see how it works..) thanks a lot.
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