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Everything posted by freewill
thanks man... maybe now we can set up a 2footer club liao??? hahaha earlier on, ryan came over and help me took a lot of shots... with new lighting and a much much better camera... so i guess, once its ready, i will post again... in the mean time... (to steal from you) Love Live 2 footer!!! (keke)
Wah... that was fast! haha... but indeed its a nice one! always wanted something like that. btw: Kee, just noticed that you have an unopened Gonio on the sandbed? maybe you can try to move it to a higher flow area with lighting. It helps. (But do remember to make sure its away from your octo/hammer's reach, otherwise, you will see casualty.) btw: the bubble on the avg will set me back... ermm... $30-$40??
hahaha... somehow the coloration didn't turn out that well (juz like my previous tank shots) Maybe you can try to get the Coral Blue T5 tube from X-Glare?? For mine, im using 2xT5, recently changed one of the tube to the coral blue tube... the coloration was Significantly better... (especially when you have the greentip octo + hammer) Just a suggestion. i like your bubble a lot! can advice where i can get such a piece? (how much ah???)
Well done kee... your tank height seems very high/tall... is it a 2'x1.5'x2' ?? anyway, the stocks looks great! just wondering you using any actinic tubes??? you can try another T5 actinic, the corals coloration will turn out even better on camera/viewing... Cheers... (me also another 2footer club member...)
Yes, you can DIY. you need the e-ballast, some single-core wire, reflectors, end caps, 3-pin plug+3wire cable and 2 tubes. Of coz the casing/holder for the tubes. Think there are several threads here discussing abt the DIY T5 before... just do a search, i think you will find lots of it...
actually, anyone can do what ive done. It's very basic only... as i can't be upgrading in this near future, i guess i will try rescaping... I've decided to sell the goniopora. I've got 2. Sea fan, am still pondering... if ryz wants it bad... i guess i will let go to him... Am sure this one will look better in his tank. Ryan, if you really could spare some time, why not this evening, you drop by PR? we go around the LFS here, then you can help me with the shoot? at the same time I can return you the saw? (i dun think i will be using it anytime now, as the 2nd ballast is not in yet.) btw: your tank has space for corals still... but fish...ermm... i think 1 or 2 more no problems... hahahaha... (your skimmer so POWER!)
good luck in your hunt... remember to QT the fish first... you dun wanna powder-blue-a-catching in your tank later... dun think tonight can join you... have to report home for dinner... you enjoy...
money, we discuss another time... Quite good a seafan, quite lucky to get it actually... but again, too big for my tank (unless i upgrade... haha, for now, i temporary deposit in your tank can??? juz kidding) Bubbles (you are able to spot it??? impressive eyesight)... but sorry, cannot sell lah... it was bought at quite a good price (together with the hammer). when you drop by, pls advice tell me what i should clear to make more space, as of now, cannot buy anymore! (Pls stop me if i do when we go LFSing.) - chain me if needed... Sorry tonite can't make it man, unless you dun mind eating together with my family... hahaha... you enjoy...
shhh.... cannot say this kinda things here.. later kena warning. (Off Topic leh). anyway, i also planned to rescape my tank too... hehe... you beat me to it ... remember to take a before and after pix...
For Sale: SeaVeggies + ICK Medication
freewill replied to freewill's topic in Sell off/Pasar Malam Shop
Thread closed. - everything sold/donated... Thanks for support. -
For Sale: SeaVeggies + ICK Medication
freewill replied to freewill's topic in Sell off/Pasar Malam Shop
Update: Sea Veg - Sold to hmkui Still available - Ick Medication... ONLY for $2. (if not sold by Friday, will be ...er... kept in store room?!?!) -
For Sale: SeaVeggies + ICK Medication
freewill replied to freewill's topic in Sell off/Pasar Malam Shop
Nobody needs this??? the sea veggies smells very strong leh... those who just bought tangs/flame angels can try to ween them with this... Special offer: Sea Vegg + Ick Medication Used to be: $10 + $5 = $15 Now: $10 for both lah... Im willing to neg. further if anyone is interested, coz otherwise, i will just be wasting this food... pls PM if anyone is interested -
hehe... your LIONS' tank... no horse run... mine... miles to go man... here's a couple more... seafan closeup>> (blur pic... lousy exislim, 1st generation) Ryz: for your reference >>> For an estimation of the fan... My tank size is 24" in length, you can see how much space the seafan occupies in my tank... honestly, im quite reluctant to let it go, as its opening nicely in the tank, once DT is fed, this bugger just show off all its polyps... Here's for your comparison >>> Hopefully can get some good camera soon... do some macro shots.
hey! I didn't flirt with the daughter!!! (though i wished i did) shhhh.... dun tell too many ppl abt the 2x500W MH lights... Otherwise, if she feels too ogled, she will not show face there anymore... (then again, i think she enjoys the attention???) It's very fortunate that you get to see her there you know... (1st visit somemore!) I go there so often, yet its only my 2nd time viewing of her... Ok now serious reply: Your GSP corner... SUPERB! looks great! very nicely scaped... must go and see your tank in real already... see my tank thread for the seafan... (just posted)
super impulsive buyer here... sorry for the late(very) reply... as I didn't know i had messages in the thread... Mushies bought at assorted prices... ranging from $5 - $30. Just realised that the coral blue T5 tube from Glare is FANTASTIC! I've been using my FL actinic as a supplement to my 2x24W aquablue special... however, the colour of the tank turns out bad (as above pix)... will be taking some more shots with this new addition of the coral blue tube from Glare... and its really really really GOOD! all the colours of the corals are now out... I realised the mushies are opening bigger than usual. Am planning to put some corals out for sale... but will take some pix first before posting.... stay tune....
hey, i see your clove is opening up very nicely... there's this yellow fish there... anthias?? new addition yah??? so what else you got yesterday??? sorry can't meet up as I had several meetings to attend...
Dear All, have 2 items for sale, impulsive buyer (me). 1) Julian Sprung's SeaVeggies (RED Seaweed) (Palmaria palmata) 30g pack. Bought yesterday. Tried to feed my YT and flame angel, but they are way too accustomed to the previous type of nori, thus, didn't eat much of this... Usage: took out only 1 small piece to test-feed only. At least 95% left. Bought @ $12, hope to sell @$10. More Info 2) easy dose 9: ICK Medication (Product of Fritz Industries) To treat whitespots writeup on bottle: Ick appears as small white specks covering an infected fish's body and/or fins. Often caused by poor water quality or water temperature, ick is easily treated with the correct medication. Easy Dose Ick Medication can be easily used in the original aquarium or in a separate hospital tank. Major Improvement is normally seen within several days. Safe and effective concentrated professional formula. Do not use with plants and invertebrates. Vol: 4fl. oz. (118 ml) Selling becoz no chance to use it. (bottle is yet to be opened! safety seal still intact!) Usage: None, 100% guaranteed! Bought @ $8, hope to sell @$5. however, must self-collect @ balestier road (near PR)/ AMK please PM for request or price neg... (not too low pls...) thanks a lot.
hey bro, sorry to disturb you, but i dun think i got your mobile number. do SMS me your address, i try to see if i can make it earlier to your place after work. (sent you my mobile in the prev PM already)... cheers. wilson
the dispars are indeed fantastic! ive tried out the fan... its powerful... too powerful... haha... now need to think of a way to mount it... im sure you will like what you bought! cheers, see maybe this coming weekend, we go again (must make sure i sell some corals or possibly the YT??? this week).. bro, if you interested, gimme a call, esp the seafan. you will love it.
hahaha... free taxi yah... (somemore so shiok hor...) next time i will stock up coke and sprite (then charge $2 per can) eh, but seriously, next time if im going, will call you guys (usually on Saturdays or Sunday mornings till abt 2-3pm. and yes, i do want to do a bigger tank... but... but... but... unless got sponsors lah... (maybe if i start charging $2 per head per farm visit, i can buy a tank/cabinet in...ermm... let's see... 6month's time??) Ryan: you got PM too...
you... you... Ah!!!... where did you get that anthias?!? but as you already knew, mine is fully loaded up already... can't stock anymore... tonight Bio-Ocean On??? or you went already??? ryz: sorry to reply your msg so late, as i was totally tied up yesterday, didn't logged in at all... to reply you: PR/OP/Reb**n/Harle****/WC, all very near my office, walking/driving wun take more than 5 mins... esp PR, walk there only 1 min... anyway, you were supposed to PM me your contact, hehe... whenever i go LFSing/FARMing will call you. And ryan too lah... (usually i go with angry, now got more buddies liao... )
Which species of anthias will feed readily...
freewill replied to Terryz_'s topic in New to the Marine Aquaria Hobby
i bought 5 bi-color anthias from PReef (their recent batch), all of them ate the moment i released them into the tank... they chiong for the cyclopeeze... (and i mean CHIONG!) however, they need a lot of time to acclimatise (in the dark). - i kept them in those 'container with holes' before releasing into the main tank... (took several hrs, but end-result was worth it!) hope it helps... -
beautiful lion!
will i void my warranty/increase insurance
freewill replied to SpiderOne's topic in General Reefkeeping_
honestly, a couple of years ago, i also used to try to push my car to the limit (or so i think) in SG.... but when i think that i need my license (as i do sales), i take a step back... no point telling how fast i go in SG, coz the men-in-blue may be looking. but when in NS highway, its a diff story, even my ex-humble hyundai goes in excess of 200. NA car, non- FI. (clocked using Apexi RSM). think back... its more of risking a lifetime of enjoyment for a moment of excitement... as i said, also every young guy goes thru it (jus like NS), just sharing wif you my thots, i respect your decision to play cars, coz i did also previously. no hard feelings. -
will i void my warranty/increase insurance
freewill replied to SpiderOne's topic in General Reefkeeping_
actually, there's no real need to classify them. to each his own. he feels comfortable wearing a baseball cap @ 2am... does that bother me?? i guess not. i dun lose sleep over that. he probably does, still running ard @ 2am. just curious, how do you classify yourself?? i used to go tcss session @ 2-3am, too lazy to gel my hair (coz impossible to wash hair @ 5am in the morning when i get home, so i wear baseball cap), so what makes me??? kekeke... be a little more forgiving and the things around you will look greener...