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Everything posted by kanegan

  1. Wrasse still hiding 1 chromis died of mysterious injuries. Stag suddenly RTN. Other SPS frags doing great. FTS
  2. Not just Mandarin. Many fish go crazy over them.
  3. Look familiar? http://www.melevsreef.com/archives/2005_03_01_archive.html
  4. Bro, I don't think you are ready for the commitment required for marine aquarium. Start with freshwater longkang fish. I used to catch and keep in primary school. Almost impossible to kill them thru neglect....
  5. True. Good luck. Just don't poison your fish in the meantime.
  6. You may not see green with this light. My opinion.
  7. Freshwater makes them nudis puff up and die pretty. >_>
  8. Yes but wrong type and too little to consider export.
  9. Light not strong enough. Skimmer does not remove nitrate. Scrubber does.
  10. I got myself an stealth wrasse. Have only seen it once today.
  11. Yesterday was shopping day. Added coco worm, six line wrasse, 2 chromis and some sps from MASS frag sale.
  12. You are going to throw away live fish?
  13. Hee hee... I don't dare to share as I would be considered a heretic by many bros. I will only say skimmer is not the only thing missing from my system and I have lots of chaeto.
  14. Hi bro, Nitrite should be 0, nitrate high just get algae. Nitrite will kill. Stop adding livestock pls.
  15. Bro if you don't ignore the cycling tank, I bet you will soon cave in and commit the ultimate newbie sin of LS before cycle done. Sent from my GT-N7005 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. Bro our piping is the same design. You will not get foam once your water is clean. Unwashed sand is super foamy. I know because I wash my sand. Even if you wash clean now once your system ages, the sand will still become dirty. Your tank just need to settle. Stop staring at it! :-) Sent from my GT-N7005 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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