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Everything posted by kanegan

  1. You are paying much too attention to the cycling tank. Only 4 things needed in cycling. Live rock, salt water, pump and something to decompose.
  2. Thanks for the info. Got picture of harvest?
  3. can see photo of your scrubber and what is the led light you use?
  4. All the answers you seek have already been shared. search and read up.
  5. This one is good. Mine eats algae faster than it can grow...
  6. Does it move very fast and have a flat shell? As in the shell is really a flat shield. If so, google stomatella.
  7. I dose my seachem very liberally. And don't bother with measuring to instructions. The savings come from time and not needing special water. Sometimes I accidentally stir up sediments and cloud the tank, also add prime to detox just in case.
  8. Hi bro, Try this link! It really works!
  9. I have been using tap water for my top ups since I started with my first tank in 2007. Currently, I treat it with Seachem Prime before adding to sump. However, please do so with caution. Our systems are very different.
  10. How much live rock do you have in your tank? Not enough live rock equal not enough bacteria...
  11. If you want, I can give you some. But must collect in cck.
  12. Lck the back of the shop. got one tank with a tailless blur tang with chaeto but don't know if they sell.
  13. Jireh is the only one I have ever seen them.
  14. Gsp not always easy some people have it like wildfire, other tanks it dies.
  15. Your fowlr been treated with copper before? Need to be careful. Copper is toxic to corals.
  16. Nice. Perhaps I was too quick to judge. What is the wattage and color of your light?
  17. Pods follow algae. You are wishing for algae in your DT.
  18. Your tank look cloudy. Cycled tank not cloudy.
  19. I think qian hu farm selling.
  20. If they look like sponge i.e. not solid but holey, then they are sponges. Some bros keep, some throw. If not, I cannot tell what is white stuff. But live algae is never white.
  21. At the end of your cycle, you should have clear water, no foul smell and if you have lights on, algae (cyano also count) starting to grow. that is a sign of nitrate.
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